If you struggle to make time for yourself, here are tips for creating a self-care checklist to hold ...
My Top Mental Health Posts
Today I'm sharing my top mental healths posts about anxiety and depression to raise awareness and ...
5 Reasons I’m Excited for a Social Media Break
A social media break? Have you ever considered one? There are just a few hours between me and 8 days ...
Why I Chose to Take Zoloft for Anxiety and Depression
Medicated. It sounds like such an ugly word, doesn't it? Do you ever wonder why people look down at ...
My High School Bullying Story
My high school bullying story comes in the form of body shaming, name calling, and the destruction ...
How I Handle My Emotions
Last week I bared my soul a little bit... without revealing too much I let you all in on a secret. I ...
Where Does Beauty Lie?
As a Mother I think it is important to talk about postpartum changes. This is my struggle with ...
Daydreaming Through Pregnancy Anxiety
Are you dealing with pregnancy anxiety as you await the arrival of your baby? Let's play a ...
How do you handle Intense Pregnancy Emotions?
How do you handle intense pregnancy emotions? I've been struggling with what feels like postpartum ...
Coping with Anxiety
Everyone finds different ways for coping with anxiety. One way I battle anxiety is by writing notes ...
Family is an Anchor During Rough Waters
"At my worst moments, my family is around to rescue me. They are there to throw me a life preserver. ...
Ways to Quiet Your Anxiety
Since 2003, I've had issues with anxiety. I've learned over the years that there are ways to quiet ...