Today I’m sharing my top mental healths posts about anxiety and depression to raise awareness and advocacy against social stigmas for World Mental Health Day.

One of my personal missions in life is to break down the wall built up around many health topics. From postpartum depression to anxiety, I have experienced a variety of emotional periods in my life.
Treating My Anxiety with Medication
There is nothing wrong with turning towards medication for anxiety and depression. I found myself in a strange head space when I was teaching elementary school. For the full story, check out my post “Why I Chose to Take Zoloft for Anxiety and Depression.”
The Battle with Postpartum Depression
The first time I weaned Annabelle from breastfeeding I found myself very sad, confused, and scared. After a few weeks of riding an emotional rollercoaster, I consulted my OB to make sure there wasn’t something wrong with me. She was incredibly helpful in my diagnosis: postpartum depression.
Want to know more about my experience with PPD? Want to read more? Check out these posts below: “Goodbye Breastfeeding, Hello Depression” and “Postpartum Depression After Breastfeeding.”
Facing My Anxiety and Depression Struggles
One of the things that I struggle with most is my ability to open up about certain emotional issues. In my family I’m called THE OSTRICH because I’m always hiding my head in the sand from life. This is a defense mechanism, and usually I explode at some point from holding it all in. Click the images below for a few more posts about anxiety and depression.
Ways to Quiet Your Anxiety
One last post I’d like to share is how I quiet my anxiety. What do you find helps you most?
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