Today I’m sharing details about being 26 Weeks pregnant. Enjoy my 26 Week Bump Update for my third pregnancy with some new information from my 6 1/2 month checkup.
Baby A (yes she is going to be an A as well) and I are okay, but today’s regular 26 week check-up turned into a 2 1/2 hour extravaganza. Keep reading for details!
26 Week Bump Update
How far along are you? 26 weeks 3 Days
Total weight gain: 18lbs – I swear a lot of this is in my boobs, haha.
How I’m feeling: Anxious and stressed over so much – but working through it in therapy. I learned a lot at my 26 weeks pregnant appointment today – mainly from a round of second trimester bloodwork. I’ve been super energetic the last few weeks, but often find myself crashing hard mid-day out of nowhere. In addition to sudden fatigue, I’ve also been experiencing dizziness and confusion. My pregnancy brain has been more wild than ever and sometimes I lose track of what I’m saying mid-sentence. It turns out I’m anemic – a very common symptom for pregnant women. Anemia is easily treated with iron supplements – so we are trying them out for a month and then re-checking my bloodwork.
Spotting: Due to another spotting episode, my OB called for a non-stress test and ultrasound at my appointment today. Even though my cervix is long and the placenta is far back and attached, they are still sending me for a Level II ultrasound at Maternal Fetal Medicine. The recurrent spotting during my second trimester is suspicious, even though Baby Girl looks wonderful. Here’s to hoping it’s what the midwife presumed in July – I have a sensitive cervix and did too much cleaning out the garage over the weekend.
I’ve also had Braxton Hicks contractions randomly over the last two weeks, but they didn’t show up on the non-stress test today. My doctor is not concerned about the contractions – so I wonder if it’s been the baby moving into her current Breech position.
Second Trimester Glucose Screening: Well, I failed my first Glucose Test. Its possible that I ate something too high in sugar too close to my test, so I will be taking the 3 hour Glucose screening next week. Here’s to hoping the failed test was just a fluke.
Vulvar Varicosities: My veins have been so swollen some days and not so much others. I don’t know the how or why though. Two weekends ago I went to a bachelorette party, danced for a solid 3 hours, and was barely swollen. Then this week I did my normal routine, working at my computer, chores around the house, and by nighttime you could see my swollen pubic area from outside my clothes. The perineal ice packs help a lot, as well as resting on my side.
Pelvis/Hips: The three times a week adjustments at the chiropractor are helping A LOT. My hips are completely out of line and one sits higher than the other. I have been moving around so much more easily and can actually do morning stretches without ending up in pain. Dr. B started performing the Webster Technique about four weeks ago which has changed everything for the better. It enables chiropractors to establish balance in the pregnant woman’s pelvis and reduce undue stress to her uterus and supporting ligaments. Other forms of pain relief I’m using: perineal ice packs, a belly support band, a heating pad, and rest.
Round Ligament Pain: My ligaments are tender to the touch and very ropy when my hips aren’t in line. The Webster Technique involves massage of these ligaments, which has been a huge relief in terms of pain.
More About Being 26 Weeks Pregnant
Cool baby facts: Baby A is as big as a Walkman or Aladdin’s Genie Lamp. According to the What to Expect App, she weighs a full 2 pounds and measures 14-plus inches long. I thought I was feeling like she’s squished on my right side – and am right – she is breech on my right side. Hopefully she spreads out soon because right now it’s as if she is tap dancing on my bladder. Her eyes are now open and she can see what’s going on in my uterus. Apparently she may even see light if we were to put a flashlight up to my belly.
Lastly, baby’s brain wave-activity is gearing up, which means she can not only hear noises, but also respond to them. Of course she can’t reply in words – but with an increase in pulse rate or movement. Maybe that’s why she kicked her sister in the face the other night while she sang her a song…
Maternity Clothes: I am SO happy we are heading into fall because I’m over being sweaty in spanx and dresses! Bring on the overalls, leggings, long sleeve shirts and cardigans. Check out my new favorite overalls styled four ways here. I just ordered this bra in another color because it’s comfortable and supportive. Unfortunately with the rate my chest is growing, I may need to order another size up soon.
Sleep: I sleep like a rock – except when I wake to go to the bathroom. I groggily stumble to the bathroom at least twice a night! My legs have been cramping in the mornings, but thankfully not throughout the night thanks to 8 Sheeps Organic Night Cream. I also use it on my lower back, round ligaments, and pubic area (where my veins swell).
Best moment this month: Seeing Baby A move from the outside – the whole family enjoys watching her kicks and punches! I swear she moves the most when she hears her sisters and Daddy talk!
More Third Pregnancy Posts
22 Week Bump Update
20 Week Bump Update
16 Week Bump Update
First Trimester Recap
We are Having a Third Baby!
The Story Behind Our Decision to Have Another Baby
Read my 26 Week Bump Update during Past Pregnancies
25 Week Bump Update – First Pregnancy
26 Week Bump Update – Second Pregnancy
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