Today I’m sharing a 16 Week Bump Update for my third pregnancy. This pregnancy has definitely had its differences than my first two pregnancies due to my age (35) and having two little girls to care for. Enjoy reading an update on my pregnancy at 16 weeks!

16 Week Bump Update
How far along are you? 16 weeks 4 Days
How I’m feeling: Fatigue– The second trimester energy boost is here! I am finally able to make it through the day without nodding off or feeling crabby because I’m so tired. It’s wonderful! Aches & Pains – My tailbone and pelvis are very achy after spending a lot of time on my feet. I’ve yet to be diagnosed with pelvic congestion syndrome but my Maternal Fetal Medicine doctors suspects I have it. Usually pelvic floor exercises and stretching help, as well as squats when I’ve stood or sat for too long. Headaches – I am noticing my headaches are becoming more frequent and suspect it has a lot to do with my allergies. I’m using a nasal spray twice a day and taking my prescription, but the best thing I can do is avoid the outdoors.
Total weight gain: 2 lbs (weight gain isn’t of any importance to me during pregnancy as long as it’s consistent and not too much at once. I try to eat a balanced meal but it can be difficult!)
Cravings: This is the first pregnancy where I don’t crave the same foods on a daily basis. Sometimes I want a fresh loaded salad and other times I want pizza. My appetite is nowhere near as ravenous as it has been before either. I am enjoying Runts and gummy lobsters, dessert after dinner, and toast with peanut butter, bananas, and honey. I also like peanut butter and jelly, chicken salad and jalapenos on toasted sourdough, and my favorite Neils’ donuts.
Boy or Girl: It’s a GIRL!
Cool baby facts: The baby is 4-5 inches in length and weights 3-4 ounces. She is as big as a Polly Pocket necklace or an avocado. The baby can hear my voice now and her eyes are working too!
Maternity clothes: I’m not able to wear most maternity clothes yet since my bump is very small – but my pre-pregnancy bottoms are uncomfortable. I am looking for new bras since I’ve grown out of the various sizes in my drawer already. My favorite things to wear are dresses, preferably maxi or midi length to hide these spanx ( to support my vulvar varicose veins).
Sleep: My naps are few and far between! At bedtime I struggle a little bit to fall asleep, mainly because I have to use the bathroom every 15 minutes once I lay down. In the mornings I wake up feeling a bit hungover and achy, but stretch for 20-30 minutes which helps reset my body.
Best moment this week: Every time Annabelle and Ailey say goodnight to their baby sister. I was also able to hear her heartbeat last Friday – it was in the low 150s!
Your Pregnancy Questions
How is your anxiety during pregnancy?
I never noticed a surge in anxiety during my pregnancy with Annabelle, but while pregnant with Ailey it was on and off. This pregnancy my anxiety was very high during the first trimester due to a lot of unknowns. I was also out of talk therapy for a few weeks. Now that I’m back in weekly therapy sessions I have more control over the anxious thoughts creeping into my mind. We haven’t had our anatomy scan yet, which can be stressful, but I’m focusing on what I can control each day instead of worrying about the future.
What are your favorite prenatal vitamins? I have been taking Pink Stork Gummies (no nausea involved if taken without food) or this Prenatal with DHA (can make me nausea on an empty stomach).
Can you recommend any pregnancy or parenting books? I haven’t read a book about pregnancy or parenting in a long time, but my sisters have recommended a few. I am actually looking into reading this book about accepting your pregnancy body changes since things have been different this time around.
Read more about 16 Weeks Pregnant….
16 Week Bump Update – First Pregnancy
16 Week Bump Update – Second Pregnancy
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