It’s the morning of my induction and I am struggling with my emotions before having a new baby. I’m scared, excited, anxious and a little bit sad. **Note: read until the end for a surprise – post written on 12/2**
Each of my emotions has a justifiable place in my heart. I’m scared of labor and delivery, excited to meet our new baby, anxious about the induction, and sad to leave our girls. This isn’t the first time I’ve been induced to have a baby nor is it the first time I’ve left my child to bring home another. I’m writing this post as a way to process my emotions before we leave for one of the biggest days of our lives.
My Emotions Before Having a New Baby

Fears of Induction, Labor, and Delivery
I’m not quite sure why I decided to read Ailey’s birth story last night, but it wasn’t the best choice of reading material before bed. We had a few scares during her scheduled induction. The most frightening being they almost stopped my labor due to her positioning. Ailey was sideways in the birth canal; the doctor feared if we didn’t get her out quickly enough she could be in danger. I clearly blocked this part of her birth from my memory, but now recall it quite vividly.
It’s completely normal to have fears before having a new baby. No one can be fully prepared for what’s going to happen at the hospital. All I know for sure is I will be induced with Pitocin and request an Epidural as soon as possible. Pain free is the way I’d like to be during labor! I’ve already been in a great deal of pain for the last few weeks from my vulvar varicosities and a very low baby.
Our Last Night as a Family of Four
We made the best of our last night as a family of four with our favorites: pizza and a movie. We cuddled up by a roaring fire to watch The Santa Clause with a side of Mashed Potato Pizza. Annabelle worked on her Christmas list (and her cartwheels), but Ailey snuggled up next to me. She cuddled my belly and pointed out places where she could feel her sister moving. I should have noticed she wasn’t being herself, but it took me until bedtime to see that she was upset.
Older Sibling Feelings About New Baby
Ailey finally shared her worries and fears about the new baby while I tucked her in. Through tearful sobs, she told us she doesn’t want to be a big sister. She’s afraid she is going to lose special time with me as I will not love her as much as I love the new baby. She’s worried our family of four will be ruined. “Why do we have to change things? It’s perfect how we are.”
Everything she said is valid; it’s the type of stuff I would think about were I going to get a new sibling. It’s wild to think a 5 year old can have such clear conscious thoughts, but that’s our Ailey. My therapist says her ability to express herself emotionally is a positive trait, as is her emotional transparency. We will be trying everything in our power to make sure she feels safe, loved, and comforted at all times.
How do you help older siblings cope with a new baby?
I have been doing a little bit of research about Helping Siblings Cope with a New Baby. I’m very aware that it will take time, patience, and lots of love to help our daughters adjust to a new sister. Many children experience feelings of jealousy towards a new sibling and may resort to tantrums or baby behavior to convey their feelings. We have definitely noticed a change in Ailey’s behavior the last few weeks and tried to be patient with her. Hopefully giving her space to discuss her feelings will be helpful as she processes everything when we come home from the hospital.
Annabelle’s emotions about the new baby are more positive. She is absolutely thrilled to have a second little sister, especially one she can help care for. We are aware her feelings may change once the baby is here. Brandon and I are preparing to show her the same understanding and compassion.
We can’t forget to mention Brandon. He has his worries about labor and newborns, but he is much calmer than I am (and the girls) about our life changing. We are thankful for his level headed demeanor!
I was not induced yesterday after I wrote this post. I am still very pregnant. Around 6:30am I called to confirm my 7:30am induction appointment. The Charge Nurse said there was no room at the inn that morning, but someone would call if a bed opened up. By 11:30am, at my 40 week appointment, my OB informed me it could be a few days until I would be able to be induced.
Disappointment consumes me, but I am thankful both Baby A and myself are healthy. I thought I was upset about the cancellation of my induction until we had to tell Annabelle and Ailey. They were both unhappy to see us at school pick-up! They are supposed to spend time at my parents’ house while we are in the hospital doing a lot of fun things – so coming home was not as thrilling.
Tomorrow, December 4, is my due date. Back in October we weren’t sure if we would make it to December, but here we are! It’s not abnormal to be pregnant past your due date – or terribly worrisome. However, in my case, my doctors sent in an application for induction based on the following conditions. My vulvar varicosities are painful and out of control. I’m 36 years old on my third pregnancy and have never gone into natural labor. I’m also 4cm dilated and received three membrane sweeps.
Time will only tell what happens next…but hopefully it involves Baby A being born soon!
What a whirlwind of emotions for all of you. Praying for a safe and healthy delivery of Little Miss A very soon!!
Thinking of you Caitlin! I was induced with my second at 41 weeks and had a similar experience with no room at the hospital. The waiting is so hard!!! Hope you get in soon!
I’m having a baby in the morning, my 5th, and I’m so emotional. I can’t stop crying, I feel almost guilty for it. I just love my other kids so much and I hope they know that.