Are you pregnant during the summer? Summer pregnancies can be uncomfortable, so I’m sharing six easy tips for surviving a summer pregnancy.
Original Post Written in 2016
I’m not going to lie – I never thought I would be facing my third trimester in the Georgia summer heat. Brandon and I always planned that I would be pregnant during the school year and due right before summer began. Things don’t always go as planned though – and here I am – 7 1/2 months pregnant and avoiding the outdoors like its my job.
Maternity clothes for the summer are not easy to find
Before you start wondering why I am such a big baby about the heat, consider this: my wardrobe is limited. I have to wear maternity Spanx every day to support and compress my vulvar varicosities. If I don’t wear compression shorts, I can’t walk after an hour due to the pain and pressure between my legs. Most maternity compression shorts go to the middle of my thigh, so anything I wear must be long enough to cover them – aka I can’t wear most shorts or dresses in my closet! If only I could find a pair of maternity compression mini shorts.
6 Easy Ways to Survive a Summer Pregnancy
one. go out in the morning.
Run your errands in the mornings when it is still cool(er) outside. If you live in the South, you know that once 11 am hits, the sun is hot and angry. Annabelle and I go out as soon as she is done with her breakfast and find that not only is the weather more pleasant, but the stores are less crowded. Plus, getting into a car that has been sitting in a parking lot during peak sun hours is horrible.
Must Read: Tips for Pregnant Moms at the Beach
two. stay hydrated.
One of the worst things a pregnant girl can do is not drink enough water. My doctor explained to me why dehydration causes contractions at my last appointment and said that a lack of water might not exactly send me into an early labor, but it will result in a lot of issues. You need to add 8oz of clear liquid to your day for every hour you spend in the heat (source), so drink up! I love adding fresh fruit to my water – it makes it more enjoyable to drink. You can also use hydration powders to add electrolytes to your water!
three. stay cool during your summer pregnancy.
Whether it’s floating in a pool or taking a quick cold shower, its important that you keep your body temperature down when the outdoor temperatures rise. Some articles say that if temps are above 90, then stay inside with air conditioning or by a fan. If you have to be outdoors, carry a spray bottle of water and a big bottle of ice water to drink with you.
four. protect your skin.
During pregnancy, our skin becomes even more delicate than normal. The melanin in our skin can increase with hormonal changes and is responsible for brownish colored patches on your forehead, cheeks, upper chest, and above the upper lip. See all of my sun safety tips here!
Note: To attempt to prevent melanin from developing, keep your face and upper chest away from direct sunlight. To protect your skin, apply sunscreen before you go outside, and reapply throughout the day. Wear a hat with a wide brim to shade your face and neck.
five. avoid excess salt.
By reducing your sodium intake, you can prevent any additional swelling the warm temperatures may cause. Spruce up your meals with herbs and spices instead. Love sandwiches? These pregnancy safe sandwiches don’t have a lot of salt! I avoid fried or salty foods anyways because they make my fingers swell before I was ever pregnant. Don’t eliminate salt entirely from your diet though – the baby needs iodine!
six. dress comfortably.
Unless you’re like me and need to keep your lower half compressed, wear the least amount of lightweight breathable clothing possible. Sweat is your worst enemy and the rashes that can develop around your breasts, under your belly, or between your legs from tight fitting clothing are unpleasant and ugly. I am loving maxi and midi dresses that I can tie up on the side because they hide my Spanxx.
A few sites I found (and pinned) when I was pregnant 2 years ago. Not sure if they’ll help you find what you’re looking for……but maybe they will!
I wear my pregnancy every time I wear a dress because of my thunder thighs. So glad I’m not alone with the rashes from sweat… Definitely unpleasant.
Something else I do is try to keep my feet elevated as much as possible to alleviate swelling.
pregnancy Spanx*
I am hoping to time my pregnancies for the summer since my office is so much slower then, but I am definitely not looking forward to toting a bump around in the Texas heat- these are great tips!
Girl, these are such great tips and you look amazing! I am pinning this so save for the future, because I honestly can’t imagine being pregnant in Atlanta in August!
I burnt to a crisp last weekend! I was wearing and reapplying 70 SPF and was in agony. Thank goodness for cider vinegar to cure the ouchies. I can’t find compression shorts I like and I desperately need a pair.
I cannot imagine being pregnant in the summer! I was a furnace when I was pregnant and that was thankfully in the winter. Although that may not be the case the next time around. These tips are great though and so informative!
Georgia heat & humidity is no joke. I refer to it as “murky”. I was outside midday yesterday for a walk. Worst idea. Stay cool, relax and enjoy your pregnancy…INDOORS!
God bless you!!!! Those varicose veins sound so miserable — you poor thing! You’re so close!! This definitely helps sway me in the direction of a late spring pregnancy (umm hopefully) for our next go-around. I was (naively) thinking summer pregnancies are all looking cute in swimsuits and floating weightlessly in pools, but that’s also because I am so far removed from my last pregnancy that I’ve clearly forgotten what reality is.
You look great! Love your swimsuit in the top photo? Is it from this year?
I had plans of having a baby in May/June. What teacher doesn’t? I ended up with a September baby. Hottest summer of my life! I remember that our A/C went out in July (we are in Texas, btw), so we moved in with my parents for a week. I was too hot! I sympathize with you! Sit around the house in your underwear with fans pointed on you as much as you can! 🙂
Ugh pregnancy in summer is hard! We went for a walk on the boardwalk and I was in a full-on sweat … and it was only like 80 degrees. I’m basically just avoiding the outdoors.
Currently 19 weeks pregnant with my third, and have had the misfortune of discovering vulvar variscosities. Soaking up all of these suggestions for surviving summer! Any tips for keeping compression in a bathing suit/is that even possible?