Having a toddler has provided me with a lot of blog content. I’ve written countless posts about development, eating habits, travel with your little ones, and more. Here are four of my favorite posts about toddlers that I’ve written about Annabelle.
one. road tripping.
Are you headed on a long car ride with your kids anytime soon? Here is how you can make a road trip survival kit for your little one that will keep you both happy and sane.
two. flying.
Flying with children is never easy. However, don’t stress! If you’re going to be traveling on an airplane with a little friend, here are some great tips for flying with toddlers.
three. terrible twos.
Does your two year old have a fiery personality? Mine does and I’ve found ways to handle it. Here is how to help a toddler with a bad temper.
four. toddler vocabulary explosion
It’s so crazy how quickly little humans go from saying one word to 100 almost overnight. There is an actual moment when your child’s vocabulary will seem to explode. When was your toddler’s vocabulary explosion?
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