One of the hardest parts about being a blogger is the challenge of staying seen by others. Our business (and self esteem) relies heavily on page views, likes, followers and comments. Every day we try to please our current audience while attracting a new audience, just to prove we are relevant. The only reason I don’t quit Instagram is friendship.
Instagram is the most difficult platform to manage as a blogger.
It’s competitive, oversaturated, and promotes the pressure to live a perfect life. A life that is undeniably unattainable by the most common people – like myself. New clothes, new home decor, the magazine worthy photos and unrealistic vacations… it’s all hard to imagine that any of it is genuinely real.
The topic of Instagram as the bane of my existence is not new around here. I’ve actually wanted to delete Facebook too. Some of you might be wondering, “Why don’t you just quit if you hate these social platforms?” Let me tell you… I stick around because of the people.
Lately I’ve been feeling as if Instagram is a virtual high school cafeteria. We watch the popular kids at their table laughing, thriving, and living their best lives, while we search for the table where we belong. Do I sit with the Moms? Where is the lifestyle crowd? Can I join the fashion bloggers? Or do I just have my own table in the corner?
There is so much pressure to show the perfect stuff on social media but it’s usually fake.
We all do. Photos are staged (I do it myself). There are a lot of resources used by some of the most successful people I know – paid photographers, SEO experts, ghost writers, assistants, etc. These resources aren’t attainable for everyone.
On the days where I can’t find my table, can’t find my people… someone comes along that reminds me Instagram isn’t so bad. Like my friend Claire. She signed up for a blog consultation a few months ago and we became fast friends. We’re bonding over our love of super soft pajamas, freckles, and wine before 3pm.
I’ve connected with SO MANY OF YOU on some of my worst days and without even knowing, you pull me out of my silly dark corner. So thank you… thanks for making me feel normal when I have a really long chin hair or if I consider going to the grocery store bra-less. I don’t quit Instagram because I want to feel connected in the best way possible… connected to you.
It;s so hard as a blogger! We blog because we love connecting with people, but Instagram has become the marker of our success, even if our success lies on another platform or just our blog itself. I am waiting for the day when Instagram is no longer viable and we can go back to just enjoying the connections we all make via social platforms and our blogs. Sending hugs!!
Aww i love this post so much and definitely echo a lot of what you are feeling. As a content creator it is so hard to see that instagram is showing my posts to 10% of the people who chose to follow me. It can feel like an endless hamster wheel trying to get likes and comments. That said, I love when people leave a genuine comment or we bond over something in instagram DMs.
Lee | LegalLee Blonde
Thank you for all you do to show us real life & relatability!!
I love this post! Instagram has made it so difficult for bloggers to get their content seen. I love being able to connect with my readers on it but I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it.
I love your mom posts- our daughters are similar ages and I feel like most people aren’t as real about the struggles of motherhood as you are! Keep being you and you’ll keep connecting with people ❤️
I’ve never agreed with a blog post more in my life! You hit the nail on the head!
I love Instagram, so so much, but it’s also hard, frustrating, and inspiring. I keep reminding myself to not put all my eggs in one basket and to also focus on other aspect such as my website and email list!
Great post! With moving and everything that is going on in my life right now. I have slowed down on Instagram especially. You are a great writer and I enjoy your content! Keep it up.
I feel this so hard. Lately, Instagram has been infuriating, but I keep pressing forward because those connections are really crucial and have become really important to me on a personal level. I met my best friend ever on the app, and I’m so grateful for it in so many ways. Maybe one day it’ll return to its former glory, but for now I’ll keep pressing through for the people, right along with you.
The struggle is real and I know it can be so hard. Definitely don’t quit girl, the friendships are definitely priceless!!
cute & little
I love this post and I love how you keep it real. Let’s have a cool kids get together! Xo
I have a love hate relationship with Instagram, both privately and publicly. It is a necessary evil for small retailers and results in sales. I am so glad you blogged about it. Thank you for keeping it real.
Instagram has made things nearly impossible! It’s so frustrating but you’re totally right about the connection to followers. It’s worth all the pain!
Thank you for not leaving or giving up. Don’t fret. Everyone has a timeline. Even newbys like me ?.
Thanks for keeping on! I find you super relatable and real as a mom, and I appreciate your real talk. 🙂
Preach girl, I feel the EXACT same way sometimes. I love creating content and sharing it, but Instagram used to be so much better back in the day. Who knows how it will all end up in a few years!
I am sorry that you had such a mean newspaper article. I would seek legal counsel if I were you as this is your business. I have trusted people on social media as I belong to a lot of social support groups for my illness (RA and lupus). I have been hacked and ripped off from frauds. I am 52 and had to medically retire so I am home 24/7 and feel awful a lot of times. Reading blogs like yours gives me hope and encouragement. Thanks for all you do.