Annabelle is two and a half years old, so it’s time for my last update about her likes, dislikes, growth and more before she comes a big sister!
Loves: Dark pink bunny. Daniel Tiger, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Elmo. Tutus. Ballerinas. The color PINK. Saying “I love you” out of nowhere and giving big bear hugs. The sun. Having her fingers and toes painted. Nature – the birdies, looking for bugs (which she is scared of), going to the forest with her Daddy. The Game (YouTubeKids). Snuggling. Singing songs.
Eats: Pink pancakes (that she likes to help make), cheese sticks, strawberries, sausage, spaghetti and meatballs, pizza (loves making her own too!), cereal, hummus, spicy chips.
Plays: Little Woodzies. Anything to do with her baby dolls (Reese and Gaby and 100 others). Making food for people in her kitchen. Play-doh. Painting. Jump jump jump on her trampoline, the couch, or the ground.
Wears: Size 24 months – 2T – she’s a tall skinny string bean. Loves anything comfortable and tutus. Shoe size ranges 5-6.
Does: Says her L like a Y. Asks “why?” after everything you say. Likes to talk to you in the car and doesn’t like to listen to music. Starting to go potty on the potty and wear training underwear. Dresses herself. Asks for explanations. Gets ‘comfy cozy’ in Mommy Daddy’s bed. Sings songs. Likes to read books.
Hates: Buggies, loud noises, storms in the neighborhood. Trying new things can be scary!
Says: “Why, why, why?” – “I want to see.” – “Do you want to play with me?” – “Uh oh what was that noise?” – “That makes me happy.” – “Hi baby sister!” – “I want to do that by my self.” – “Muff mcgruff.” – “Silly silly.” – “Help!” – “I need a grown-up.” – “Mommy tell me about when I was a teeny tiny baby…”
We have a name!!!! Baby A…. (edited by author – you know I love ya Nikki but OOPS!)
Your mini is a cutie!!!
She is so dang cute! I think A & K could come up with all kinds of sassy but cute trouble together! 🙂