In honor of our 14th wedding anniversary, I’m sharing 8 Things I Do to Annoy My Husband – Part Two.
I’m going to say something that may shock you. My husband can be a bit annoying. Sometimes I think he is extra annoying to offset my ability to drive him crazy with very little effort though. In case you missed it, I wrote about six things I do to annoy my husband after 7 years of marriage. I still do all of those irritating things, but have added a few more to my repertoire. In honor of our 14th wedding anniversary (today), I’m sharing Part Two of Things I Do to Annoy My Husband.
Things I Do to Annoy My Husband | Part Two

- Unplug his phone when it is charging. If we have to share a phone charger, my battery life is more important than his.
- Forget the clothes in the washing machine. In my defense, I often forget to switch over the laundry because I can’t go in the basement. Not only is it where the laundry room is located, but it’s also home to my husband’s work office. If he’s on a call or in a meeting then the laundry has to wait. And with three kids it’s easy to forget about it.
- Call him to chat while I’m driving. I’m a drive-and-talk kind of gal – but sometimes my regulars don’t answer the phone. So my husband will get a phone call where I may not have anything important to say.
- I don’t know how long dinner is going to take. Even if I am following a step by step recipe, there is NO way to tell when a meal is going to be ready. I never like to give a specific end time if I am cooking; instead I offer a time frame. There are too many uncontrollable factors that may interrupt my cooking (children, cats, laundry, forgotten ingredients, etc.).
- Work on my computer in bed. The clack-clack sound of my keyboard is never welcome in the bedroom.
- Put my cold feet on him in bed. He’s just so warm and my feet are always cold.
- Forget where I put the remote. I rarely watch t.v. but when I do, I always leave the remote in the same spot. EXCEPT when I’m distracted, then that remote may have found it’s way into another room.
- Leave the lights on. This habit is so often it had to be repeated since the first time I mentioned it. Sometimes lights are meant to be left on so I remember to go back into the room and finish a task. Or maybe I left the lights on to ward off scary monsters and burglars. Whatever the reason, I can’t live in the dark.
In a perfect marriage, my annoying habits would have disappeared after fourteen years. But no marriage is perfect – so the things I do to annoy my husband add a little zest to our marriage. Clearly I can’t be that annoying because he is still hanging around!
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