When you’ve been with someone for 11 years, it is easy to drive them crazy without driving them away. There’s no doubt that I make my husband a little crazy sometimes, but I would like to think that I’m getting better with age. There were some “habits” that I had while we were dating in college I got rid of, but they’ve been replaced with six things I do that annoy my husband.
6 Things I Do that Annoy My Husband
one. back-to-back texts.
Call me impatient, but I don’t like to wait for replies. So it its been a few minutes and I know he is sitting by his phone, I often send a follow-up text or punctuation mark or a sweet emoji.
two. leaving the lights on.
On more than one occasion, I have left the lights on in the house while we are gone for a trip. I don’t know how it always happens – sometimes I think Muffin does it just to screw with me – but once we were gone for 7 days and the kitchen light was on the WHOLE time.
three. poor movie watching habits.
Whether I am checking my phone or catching some Zzzs, we are usually better off watching a movie separately. I am never a good companion for movie night! Even if I want to watch the movie, I always end up asleep halfway through the first twenty minutes. If I were to watch a movie alone though, I can stay up until the end. It’s a very strange thing I do that annoys my husband.
four. bad timing.
Coincidentally, I always find the wrong time to tell Brandon a random story. It is usually when an amazing play happens in a sporting event or when an important announcement is being made on the news. This is a fact and a weekly occurrence in our home. I don’t know how my timing could be so off, but it always is!
Read more: A Collection of Posts on Marriage
five. indecisiveness.
I am terrible at making decisions… especially when it comes down to where/what we are going to eat. Unless I am in the throes of a pregnancy craving, I am very flexible about meal choices. But when B insists I choose a place, I can’t make up my mind. In my defense, my husband usually has his mind already set, but he won’t tell me, and I know if I wait long enough, his innermost food related desires will come out.
six. sharing unrequested Facebook updates. like I’m his personal Newsfeed.
My husband has never been on Facebook (AH!!) and has never cared what people are posting on Facebook. But for some reason, this has never stopped me from sharing our mutual friends/family’s status updates with him. Just last night, after he told me this habit annoys him, I decided to read him a lovely joke someone posted. He was not entertained.
I’d like to think that all of these habits must be endearing, considering this May 2016 will mark 11 years together. Then in October we will celebrate 6 years of marriage. Anyone who has known us since the beginning will agree: we might drive each other crazy, but we are madly in love. A special thanks to the big guy for putting up with me this long.
This cracks me up. My bf was just saying the other day “do you leave lights on just to annoy me?” “I bet your grandmother used to get on you about leaving lights on growing up”
yuppppp she did 🙂 and i’ll probably keep doing it lol
Ha! Gotta love annoying your hubby knowing that he aint going no where. I swear sometimes Mr. Big Truck and I annoy each other on purpose!
Love this!!! I could have made my list longer because I do all of these too!!! The lights left on… yes… I’m terrible about it!! and I am super impatient about waiting for a text back.. and I’ll keep poking him until he finally is like “I was in a meeting..” ha. whoops. sorry. just needed to make sure you saw my SUPER important text about picking up cat litter on the way home. 🙂
I do a couple of these too! Especially the back to back texts (or 10 in a row…) and the indecisiveness thing. At least he knows & is pretty much ok with it since he knows what to expect 🙂
This was a great post! I am guilty of some of these same transgressions and have been known to interrupt a key play ( in a game I am not paying attention to because I’m distracted with my phone) by reading aloud s Facebook update or cute meme to my non-Favebook husband!
hahah i probably could have also written this list. i’m pretty sure everything i think is “cute” and “sweet” just annoy my hubby haha!
Aww I like this! There are many things too that I do that drive my husband crazy! Him and I have different styles of a watching a movie too and I’m very indecisive!! =)
Haha oh my goodness I absolutely love this post! I may have to borrow the idea later on this month. I can totally relate to leaving the lights on — it drives my husband NUTS!
Number 6 is soooooo Greg! Except of course, news of your pregnancies and Whitney’s engagement, lol. I also seem to want to share/show them at the completely wrong time, although to a guy who hates Facebook, is there ever a right time? (#4)
This post is hilarious! I am so with you on 1, 3, 5, & 6!! My husband knows if we put a movie or a show on that I will be out in 5-10 minutes, LOL. I drive him crazy with my texts too and I am SO indecisive!
Yes to them all, especially the text one! Josh has his phone set to show “read” and if I see he read it and didn’t respond, it drives me nuts!
Hilarious! I can definitely relate to many of these! I have the worst timing of jokes and stories (I secretly hope he finds it endearing).