It’s time for you all to see how well B really knows me… I sent him a questionnaire. Filled it out myself. And then compared our answers! Note: my answers are in red!
1. How long have you been married? Since October 2009
Since October 17,2009 – 3 years 4 months
He better never forget…
Where was your first date? Pizza/Chinese Buffet on the Carnival Victory Cruise
Olive Garden
Technically a first date is when the guy pays…and the buffet was free.
Where was your first kiss? Teen Disco Carnival Victory Cruise
On the Carnival Victory in 2003
Truth. I kissed him first!
Who first said, “I love you”? Me
B did on July 24, 2004 when we were in Boston, Ma after a Red Sox game!
Definitely an unforgettable night.
What were your wedding colors? Green/Pink
Red and Green
Pink? EWW. Wrong.
What is her most commonly used phrase? Huh?
I don’t know if that was confusion on the question, or if I really say ,”Huh” a lot.
Who is her celebrity crush? Some Vampire
Don’t have one
He knows me better than I know myself. Damon from Vampire Diaries is dreamy…
If you were ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get? Wine/Bourbon
Red Wine for me and an IPA for him
I got this one wrong about him!
What is the best meal she has ever cooked you? Chicken Pesto Pizza.
Chicken Pesto Pizza
Just call me Top Pizza Chef.
What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you? Soapy Eggs.
Soapy or watery eggs
One time I forgot to wash all of the soap out of the skillet….oops
What is the most-played song on her iPod? Anything Dave Matthews
Anything by Taylor Swift or DMB
I do play DMB more than Taylor.
What would she say is your most annoying habit? Biting my nails
Teasing me
I seriously can’t stand him biting his nails…. he is doing it right now!
What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed? Checks her phone.
Says a little prayer and I LOVE YOU George
Another truth by him… I even paid attention to what I did last night and I checked my alarm on my phone…and Facebook….and Twitter.
If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be? Juicy Vegas Bookie Jumpsuits
My dumpy sweat pants
I will never get rid of my Juicy jumpsuits buddy. They are just too comfy and too embarrassing.
What would you say is your favorite thing about her? Freckles
My cooking
What’s her go-to drink at Starbucks? Skinny something latte
Vanilla Latte
He was close…I do like Gingerbread and Pumpkin Spice when they are out!
What’s her blog’s name?! Beary Excited Bride
Think Happy Thoughts!
well that’s my URL…so he was close.
awww so cute!! He did good!! haha I love the buffet one… ‘technically… it was free…” funny:)
So true! Dates are paid for haha!
The URL is even more impressive!
I feel like KB would totally botch this up completely….he has a terrible memory!
Haha I was impressed with his answers! Many were more true than what I put!
So cute! I think your freckles are pretty too!
Aw thanks!
cute idea
great post!! love your freckles and your blog 🙂
new follower
So cute! Loved this!