Do you want to help a teacher this school year? Today I'm sharing Teacher Wish Lists for teachers in ...
Why I Chose to Take Zoloft for Anxiety and Depression
Medicated. It sounds like such an ugly word, doesn't it? Do you ever wonder why people look down at ...
Oh Hey Hi School Year
Yesterday we officially started our 2015. -2026 school year! First year in five years I wasn't ...
A Celebration is in Order
Hooray! It's our last day of school! Unfortunately my summer doesn't start until next Wednesday ...
First Day Jitters
Today is my first day teaching first grade here in Georgia. I am SO excited about this school year! ...
Wish me luck!
I am having my formal observation today at last one of the year... and they are ...
Like many people around the world - I'm struggling to gather my thoughts after the horrific events ...
I cannot tell a lie…
Sometimes you just have to be honest...and the honest to G truth is that I don't feel like blogging ...
A First for Me
I confess... I have my first teacher injury and I did nothing really to deserve it.Check out my ...
Life Lately: September 2012
This morning.... I am sick. You know that kind of sick where your head is clogged and your face ...
What the Teacher Wears
Do you ever wonder what teachers wear to school? Part of my Happiness Project has been to get ...
I will not be defeated
Some of my goals for my Happiness Project are directly related to my job as a teacher. They are ...