I know I am a day late on my whole Hump Day Confession bit I have going on… but yesterday was kind of an important day. This week I will be freeing myself of a few things…please do not judge me…and if you do, don’t leave your judgements in the comment box.
1. CONFESSION: I may have an addiction to Mucinex.
You all read that I was sick…and some of you may know that Mucinex is my go-to over the counter drug for when a sinus/cold sickness strikes. I just love how it clears up my head and makes me feel all woozy and energetic. Weellllll, this time around I may or may not have followed the directions on the label and ended up overdosing. Let’s just say that for some reason I was not bothered by anything yesterday – including my class dancing down the hallway.
2. CONFESSION: I still have not unpacked from my trip to Tennessee. And my mom is coming to visit tomorrow. And my bags are in her room. Hm….Note to self: Clean up your shit.
3. CONFESSION: Part of my Happiness Project was to exercise more…but, I feel like I have taken this whole, “Do what makes you happy” thing to a new level, for now when I am sleepy after school, and a nap sounds like something that will make me happy, I choose NAP over GYM. I need to remind myself that naps don’t cure stress, they only make me more cranky.
4. CONFESSION: I did not eat dinner Monday night, Tuesday night I had a protein bento box from Starbucks, and last night I had a piece of toast with peanut butter and jelly. On one hand: We really need to figure out how to fix our oven. On the other hand: Since I am not working out – who needs dinner?
5. CONFESSION: Last year I turned 26 and was really depressed about it. This year I am turning 27 on September 24th and I am SUPER excited because I LOVE the number 27. Granted I am not too keen on getting older, but 27 is such a fantastic number that I just don’t mind.
Any thoughts as to what is going on here?
6. CONFESSION: I am really starting to love my first grade class. And I am scared to let myself love them. Because last year my class was so awful during the months of October-February, that I don’t want to let my guard down only to end up having this class turn on me and then my soul and heart crushed. What to do what to do.
What are your confessions this week? Have anything you need to get off your chest?
I am always horrible at unpacking when I come home from a trip. I hate it!