I mentioned last Friday that I have not forgotten about my own personal Happiness Project. Despite the absence of the topic on my blog, I have been doing a lot in my life to try to maintain my “happiness” and not sink into a dark scary hole again.
Here is what I have been doing to try to be happy:
*blogging more often
*cooking more often
*getting dressed up for school and documenting it for proof
*breathing before I flip out about certain things
*fighting right with the hubs
*ignoring the small things at school
Overall, I feel that I have changed. I feel that I am not as high stress as I was last year. I feel that even though my job has started to become as insane as it was last year, I am not bringing the insanity home. I am not crawling under the covers and hiding from the world every night. Even though I have been getting sick a lot lately, which causes me to crawl under the covers, I am not hiding from the world because I am depressed. I am in bed because I am sick.
Some people have felt the need to say that perhaps I have been getting ill due to my love of “alcohol.” I shall correct these people on this subject. I only drink 1-2 times a week. When I do drink, I have, at the most, 4 glasses of wine, over a long period of time. I am a petite girl with no tolerance for alcohol. Therefore, I cannot drink a lot. I also get extremely hungover. Once in awhile, I will drink 3 times a week. That is on special occasions – holidays, vacation, when my husband and I are trapped in our house for 4 days due to a hurricanes.
Note: I have tried to not let the new anonymous negative nancies ruin my happiness.
Today I am starting something new. I am hoping it will add to my overall happiness.
I am starting a Dance Club at my school!
I probably shouldn’t show this picture of me dancing to the parents of my students, right?
First informational meeting is today and I am SO excited. I will let you all know if anyone shows up (hah!).
I am off to get a Gingerbread coffee from Dunkin Donuts now. Because they make me happy.
Happy Monday!
3 day work week!
Kenya @ Life with Giggles says
Good luck with dance group!
Anonymous says
Kara here. I wasn’t trying to be negative by suggesting you give up Alcohol. I was just giving an honest response to your question, “SO PLEASE TELL ME, DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE ON HOW I CAN BOOST MY IMMUNE SYSTEM?” Alcohol in any amount can have really negative effects on our bodies, you acknowledge above that even small amounts of Alcohol give you hangovers meaning your body is being forced to recover from its effects. You clearly didn’t really want advice on that question, or at least advice you don’t like. Did you even look at the site I recommended that explains the issue? Obviously if you can’t handle some constructive advice then I need not follow your blog, or attempt to comment. Good luck to you.
Aunt Donna says
Who is the dance group for (what age group) students , teachers!!!Sounds great , go get them tigerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…….
REBrown says
I want to hear more about this dance group!
Athienna says
How fun a dance group!! I wish we had that when I was in school. Your going to be the coolest teacher ever!! Ignore Ms. Anonymous as people need to realize they only see a small snap shot of your life and people should jump to conclusions!!!