Thanks Friday for showing up again! We had a great week over here – complete with sunny days, a girl’s night out, and a quick trip to Providence for a concert. Enjoy my Friday Favorites!
one. new job role.
When I joined the Connecticut Bloggers Collective I instantly made more connections here in CT than I had while living in Georgia as a blogger for four years. The group of talented and incredible girls (plus a few boys) are fun, helpful, and so supportive. The founder of the CT Blogger Collective asked me if I would like to be an admin alongside her a month or so ago… and my new title is now official! I’m so thrilled to be a member of such an incredible group!
two. girls night out.
This week I hosted another girls night out at Middlesex Dermatology with my friends Kim and Beth. From the margaritas to the delicious appetizers to the free Lip Luxe lip treatments, we had a blast sneaking away from our kids and hubbies for the evening. If you follow me on IG, you may have watched my LIVE story where I had Dysport administered in my forehead. A few months ago I received Dysport in my “11” lines and this time around I decided to try a new spot on my face. I’ll let you know in a few days how it’s working out.
three. oh hey sunny days.
I think I can speak for all of the people who experienced a little taste of spring this week – THANK YOU MOTHER NATURE! I didn’t realize how depressed I felt as a result of the cold gray weather until I spent a few hours in the 60 degree sun. I really do love the winter, but with all of my hormonal issues lately, I need all of the natural boosts of serotonin I can get. I know that spring is still a few months away here in CT, but I’ll take what I can get until then.
four. Portugal the Man.
My husband, close friend Beth and her boyfriend spent the night at the Portugal the Man concert in Providence last night. We had a BLAST! I’ve seen the band once before at a music festival and they were amazing. This show was in a much smaller venue, which made the performance way more fun. It was a great quick night away!
Love each and every one of these! Congrats on the new role and last night looked like a lot of fun 🙂 Happy weekend!!!
Congrats on being an admin – so excited for the future of CT Bloggers Collective!
Love your floral dress as well, it’s so cute!