One of my favorite parts about blogging is creating content about my life that I can look back on and read to reminisce. My blog is like a virtual photo album, complete with comments and stories I may forget over time. Last October I wrote a post about my life lately with the girls that reminded me of Ailey’s temper tantrums and how I felt about Annabelle starting preschool. It’s been four months, so I feel it is time for an update on life lately with two daughters.
Annabelle has grown and changed so much since she started preschool in the fall. She comes home talking about gross boys who ruin playtime with the girls – an observation I know she did not come up with on her own. Her fascination with the world only grows and anytime she hears an exciting fact she can’t wait to share it with us. Just the other day she asked me if I had ever heard of an eclipse where the sun disappears behind the moon’s shadow.
Annabelle’s favorites include: dress up, Princesses and Ballet, magical fairies, watching PJ Masks, asking questions, drawing, helping with chores or cooking, make-believe, playing rough with her sister or Daddy, running laps inside the house at night, sausages, chicken soup, meatballs, making her own sandwiches (ham/turkey with ketchup), chocolate frosted donuts
Ailey is still a spitfire and ball of energy. She is curious, determined, and waivers between fearless and fearful of the world around her. One moment she is jumping off the ottoman and the next she is hiding from a strange sound outside. We spent hours outside yesterday exploring the yard and enjoying the winter sunshine.
Our youngest still has a temper like no other – she doesn’t like to be told, “No” and certainly doesn’t appreciate when you don’t understand her as she tries to communicate her wants and needs. Ailey is headstrong and smart beyond her 18 months. The pediatrician says her vocabulary is excellent for her age and we hear her saying 2-3 word sentences more and more every day.
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