It’s time to consider the meaning of my wedding dreams. Since Brandon proposed to me in August, I have only had two dreams about our wedding and both are scary. Here are my wedding dreams.
Wedding Dream #1
The first wedding dream occurred in September and was about me not having a dress for my wedding day. Apparently I had been so busy planning the wedding that I forgot to pick out a dress, and one day before the big day my mom reminded me I needed a dress. Needless to say, I woke up really stressed out. I still haven’t ventured into the world of wedding dresses. I think I am afraid that I will try on a million and five and not find a single one that I like. Since I dyed my hair dark in hopes of helping it grow and get healthy, I also decided I needed to never fake bake again. I don’t want wrinkles and cancer and sunspots and leather skin. None of those are appealing or attractive on a girl in her 20s. So as a result…I am pale…and white dresses on pale people with dark hair looks like death. I am supposed to go dress shopping next week when I visit my family up north.
Check out our wedding registry experience here.
Wedding Dream #2
The second weird dream happened last night. Its long and complicated, and our boat driver in Hawaii on our honeymoon turned into a dolphin…but the part that bothered me the most was my mom had her friend take pictures for the wedding, and there was only ONE of me. And it was blurry. And I had my glasses on, an ugly dress, and fat arms. I already have the greatest photographer ever for my wedding – so I am not concerned about the quality or quantity of photos from the wedding. What freaks me out is what happens if I get an ulcer in my eye (used to happen ALL the time in college) and I have to wear my glasses on my wedding day?! I would rather walk around blind. OR what if I can’t get the super sculpted beautiful arms and back I want in time for my wedding? OR what if I can’t find a dress?
What is the meaning behind my wedding dreams?
I know I am overreacting because my dreams rarely come true. I just think that I am secretly worried about my dress and appearance on my wedding day. I recently read an article called, “The Incredible Shrinking Bride,” about my exact problem: Engaged women feel the need to look perfect on their wedding day. The article discusses how women turn to tanning, teeth whitening, botox, extreme diets, etc – all so that they will be a vision of perfection on the day they say, “I do.” I don’t want to become one of these crazy obsessed women, but it is hard when I wake up and realize I am thinking about it in my subconscious.
All the tv shows and magazines I encounter that are for a bride-to-be encourage us to use the time before their wedding to improve their skin, hair, nails, and body. I think that it is fine for professionals to give their advice on how to achieve immaculate beauty, but to become completely flawless is impossible. Plus, I know my lover likes me the way I am. If he didn’t, I don’t think I would be wearing a shiny rock on my left finger.
The other night I had another wedding planning nightmare. Nick said I kept yelling, “Mom. Shut UP!” in my sleep. This says so much… 🙂