It is no joke that Annabelle has a fiery temper. She is, after all, a product of two fiery parents. Two years ago I wrote all about my ‘tude as a toddler. “She’s obstinate by precious,” My mom would say before reciting the rhyme: “There once was a girl with a curl…” to strangers if I smiled and waved like a perfect little princess to let them know the cuteness could be deceiving. I now know that she has inherited my lovely traits.
Here are a Few Tales about My Toddler’s Attitude
Her new favorite word is, “NO NO NO” (in the cutest voice ever) when she doesn’t get her way. She likes to gracefully throw herself on the floor when she is upset, and then do what we call “the upside-down inch worm” all over the room.
Our doctor says we are handling her temper tantrums the best way possible – by walking away from her insanity and leaving her to squirm around in a safe place.
Annabelle is bossy.
She is independent. She is very particular about things. She hates crumbs, stray hairs, or hang nails. She is demanding. She is opinionated. She is SUCH a little spitfire with so much sass that I truly fear for our sanity during her teenage years.
But then… she smiles SO big sometimes that I can feel the joy radiating from her tiny body … and she hugs me tight like a spider monkey… and open mouth kisses my cheek…and dances in my arms to the music of her happiness.
She goes from 0 to 100 and back to 0 so quickly that sometimes I can’t keep up. Honestly, the change in her personality is encouraging. If she was always happy-go-lucky, I would worry she would be taken advantage of someday. The fact that she is so strong willed makes me believe she will be a confident, powerful woman.
haha my mother has told me she used to recite the same poem about me all the time when I was little!
Super cute!