In the blink of an eye, Ailey turned two and a half years old last week. It’s hard to believe that when Annabelle was the same age, Ailey was still in my belly. We recognized her half birthday with a trip to the doctor’s for a wellness check, but thankfully didn’t need any shots. Here is a recap of our two and a half year old toddler, everything she likes, dislikes, her height/weight, and more. Enjoy!

Two and a Half Year Old Stats
Height: 3′ 2″ (90th %)
Weight: 26.1lbs (19th %)
Clothing Size: Between 2T and 3T
Shoe Size: Between Toddler 5-6
Likes: Playing with her big sister, her Paci collection (which the pediatrician says we need to get rid of), dancing, singing songs, swim lessons (she giggles adorably the whole time), running (instead of walking), PLAYING, being silly during playtime, her family, riding in the Barbie JEEP, NAPS and her sleep, picking out her own clothes, wearing dresses, dressing up in costumes, Saying silly/naughty words
Dislikes: Being told NO, when you can’t understand what she is trying to say, being cranky because she is tired, she likes most anything until someone takes it away, when you don’t let her wear what she wants to wear, having her hair brushed or styled – she likes it wild and free
Says: EVERYTHING!! Ailey’s vocabulary is incredibly advanced – she has been speaking full sentences for a few months now. She can tell you exactly when and why she is mad/sad/happy and often says, “I’m so happy/sad/mad right now because…” She is extremely expressive with her face and actions, but also verbally (screaming tantrums are a bad habit lately).
Does: Ailey can count to 15 and say her “ABCs” with a little help. Can run, hop, throw a ball and kick a soccer ball. She can twirl. Ailey knows some colors and pretends to read books.
Ailey’s Favorite Things
Foods: Pancakes, Strawberries, Meatballs, Spaghetti with butter/garlic salt, Cereal (Life), Peanut Butter on a spoon, Chik-fil-a nuggets, Frozen String Cheese, American Cheese, Ham Sandwiches (only if they are made for someone else), Hot Dogs, Pizza, Scrambled Eggs, “delicious pancakes,” Annie’s White Cheddar Mac n Cheese, Green Beans, Starbucks Pink Cake Pops, Apple Sauce, Apple Slices, Grapes, Slices of bread
Toys: Sofia figurines, Magnatiles, Princess dolls, Barbies, Margaret (Daniel Tiger), Fairies, costumes, Peppa Pig, Daniel Tiger, Little Woodzeez
TV/Movies: Sofia the First, Frozen, Home Alone, Barney, Moana, Tangled, Boss Baby, Little Einsteins, Toy Story
Songs: Jingle Bells, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, Ring Around the Rosie, ANYTHING from Frozen or Sofia the First (Perfect Slumber Party), Run Run Rudolph, California Girls, Christmas by Darlene Love
Books: Brown Bear Brown Bear, Anything with Peppa Pig or Princesses
Ailey Leighton, you are so incredibly special, so amazing, and a bundle of joy. Your energy is contagious, your sense of humor so grown up, and your temper… oh its a little bit scary. You are always surprising us, making us laugh and giggle, and bring the world joy! We love you to the moon and back!
She makes me smile!!!