If you have more than one child, I’m sure you will be able to relate this post. If you only have one… avert your eyes or stop reading. Some of these things might make you shudder. But – I believe in being honest, so here are my truths, along with some of my closest friend’s confessions as to the things I let my second child do.
Second Child Syndrome… aka Moms of Multiples Confessions
- “Oh that toy fell on the ground, no probs. Just a little Mommy’s Spit N Shine and it’s good as new.” – For the first year of Annabelle’s life, I was OCD with the sanitizer. And if her paci dropped on the ground I would never ever put it back in her mouth.
- “If you don’t like my baby crying, DEAL WITH IT.” – I used to run out of a public place if Annabelle started to cry. I always worried what people would think… but with Ailey, no dice. I am not embarrassed of a crying baby because babies cry. Period.
- “Bottles and boobs are the same thing in public, but sometimes bottles are easier.” – I can’t take credit for this one, but I know someone who was very uncomfortable nursing in public with her first. She always had to find a place to hide to feed the baby and didn’t want to give her a bottle because, well, breast is best. This baby gets a bottle when he’s hungry and I have no shame.
- “Crap, it’s halfway through her 8 months birthday and I forgot to take a picture.” – This one makes me sad, because I was on top of weekly/monthly birthdays with Annabelle and love looking back at the photos. Poor Ailey… I always try to make up for it in-between with extra pictures though!
What the heck is second child syndrome? – Ailey Don’t you worry about it. – Annabelle -Lauren Humphries Photography - “The t.v. is everyone’s friend.” – I know I am not the only Mom of multiples who allows the television to be on for more than the 30 min time frame the doctor says a one year old can watch. Ailey has loads of favorite shows and I love how they calm her down in the middle of the night when she is losing her mind. Now before you judge, I do loads of activities with her and Annabelle and I talk to her all day long.
- “Dirt is not gross. Dirt is fun. So is dust, a pile of crumbs, and that weird dried up playdoh chunk on the rug.” – Letting my first born play in a puddle of mud was my worst nightmare because of the mess and omg what if she eats it factor. This time around, whatever makes baby happy makes Mommy happy. Ailey’s favorite toy lately is Muffin’s beat up stuffed bear and I don’t judge her choices.
- “Organic shmorganic.” – Sometimes your baby wants to suck on a stale loaf of bread before she has any teeth and you know what, that’s okay. Sometimes you don’t have any homemade avocado carrot muffins left, so your infant has frozen chicken nuggets and mushy banana for lunch.
- “That high chair/grocery cart probably isn’t that bad because what doesn’t make us sick will only make us stronger.” – This one is another from a friend. She said it is just too time consuming, haha.
- “Watch out – that kitty might scratch you… oops, too late. Maybe I just thought to warn you baby.” I bet I am not the only parent who hovers less over their baby and the family pet than I did with my first born. I feel like Muffin already knows the drill, which is if he hurts the babies then it’s his fault if she pulls his tail afterwards.
- You tell me – what are your confessions?!
I feel like we say “oh, he’s fine,” at times when we would have rushed to Baby #1’s side in a panic. We’ve also gone to and called the doctor way less, but I think that’s more a product of his overall health.
This is GREAT! 2nd baby is ahhhhhmazinggggg…because you don’t worry as much about the little things! And, OMG….the monthly picture! Yesss…I forgot one month with my second and I’ll admit, I was devastated…but, then I got over it. We’ll just forever be not able to find that 8 month old pic. Ah well!
Thanks for the laughs today!