Why does social media make us feel bad? It's easy to feel insignificant when you're one of 2.4 ...
Insecurities Are The Weeds Killing Your Garden
What Happens When You Ignore Your Insecurities? Insecurities fuel anxiety and decrease mental ...
How do you know you’re addicted to Instagram?
How do you know you're addicted to Instagram? Delete the app from your phone and keep track of how ...
What is the Reality of Online Friendships?
What is the reality of online friendships? Is it possible to make friends through social media? ...
The Dark Side of Social Media
For 11 years I've been deeply connected to social media, our relationship built upon the foundation ...
5 Reasons I’m Excited for a Social Media Break
A social media break? Have you ever considered one? There are just a few hours between me and 8 days ...
The Truth About Instagram Growth
The truth about Instagram growth - is there really any? There is no such thing as becoming Instagram ...
Why I Want to Delete Facebook
Social Media is a community of drama and competition. There are so many reasons why I want to delete ...