Spring is a time for new beginnings in nature and in life. One way to encourage new beginnings for your home is a good deep clean. I focus on the kitchen, especially since it is where my family spends a lot of our time. From the appliances, to the cookware, to the floors, spring cleaning the kitchen is a great start to the season. Here are some tips for spring cleaning the kitchen.
Spring Cleaning Tips for the Kitchen
Spring Cleaning Tips for the Refrigerator and Freezer
Many people forget how important it is to deep clean the refrigerator and freezer. First, pull out the food from the fridge and freezer. Second, throw away any old or expired goods. Third, clean every surface and drawer with a cleaner void of harsh chemicals.
Bon Ami Powder Cleanser is a safe and effective kitchen cleaner with simple ingredients. The natural soft abrasives (feldspar and limestone) in the cleaner remove old food and dried liquids when sprinkled on the soiled surface or a wet sponge.
Spring Cleaning Tips for the Cooktop and Oven
It is incredible how filthy the cooktop of your stove can become in a short amount of time. I wipe down the cooktop after each meal, but deep clean the cooktop once a month. I use Bon Ami Power Cleaner on my stovetop to remove caked on food, liquid stains, and residue.
My oldest daughter loves to help me clean the kitchen. Bon Ami Powder Cleanser is safe for children and pets, so Annabelle can wipe down the stove top right alongside our kitty, Muffin.
Note: When it comes to cleaning the inside of the oven, its easiest (and safest) to leave the house and run the self-cleaning cycle.
Spring Cleaning Tips for Kitchen Surfaces
Remove everything from the kitchen surfaces before you start to clean. Empty out utensil jars and wash everything inside. Store any appliances that are used infrequently.
After the counters are cleared, wipe crumbs or dust right onto the floor (it will be vacuumed later). Next, I clean the counters using products that are safe for our granite counters.
The sink in my kitchen really shines when I use Bon Ami Powder Cleanser. I sprinkle Bon Ami on the faucet and inside of our recessed sink and then scrub the surfaces with a wet cloth.
Want to spring clean the garbage disposal? Drop half a lemon, a few ice cubes, and a sprinkle of baking soda inside. Run the water and turn on the disposal!
Don’t forget to spring clean your pots and pans. Food can become caked on the inside and outside of your cookware over time. Bon Ami works well removing food and stains, but if it doesn’t, here is another way:
- Fill the pot or pan with about 2-3 inches of water. Add 1/4 cup of baking soda.
- After a half hour, wash the pot or pan as usual, gently scrubbing. The burnt-on food should come off easily.
How to Remove Permanent Marker
Annabelle and Ailey have a little white table where they eat their meals in the kitchen. Unfortunately, Ailey colored all over the table with a permanent marker the other day. While spring cleaning our kitchen, I tried using Bon Ami Powder Cleanser to remove the stains. With a little bit of scrubbing, the white table is as bright and white as when we first bought it four years ago!
Noni says
Grandma Mary swore by it!
Lizzie says
I love this post! I’ve been cleaning like a crazy person! I’ll definitely check this out next time I go shopping!
Sarah Lindner says
Have definitely been on a spring cleaning kick during quarantine and these are some great tips…will have to try some of these! xoxo, Sarah
Mollie says
I JUST did a huge deep clean on the kitchen 2 weeks ago! I went through all the cupboards and shelves, took everything out, cleaned it all, and reorganized. It feels so good!
xx Mollie
Lee says
My kitchen sooo needs a good spring cleaning! Hoping to get that done this weekend!
rebecca says
oooh i haven’t heard of this before but seems like the perfect cleaner!! need to check it out when we run out of what we have now.
xx rebecca // http://www.rebeccapiersol.me
Carrington | Chaos and Coffee says
These are great tips! I definitely need to do some spring cleaning in my kitchen. Xx.
kileen says
I love using Bon Ami in the kitchen when i’m cleaning too!
cute & little
Stephanie says
My stove and sink definitely both need a deep clean. I’ll have to send my husband out for this product so I can do some serious scrubbing soon! Thanks for the recommendation!
Anna English says
I just moved into a new space and cleaning the kitchen was #1 on my priority list!
Candace Hampton says
Cleaning the oven is way up on my list of deep cleaning! Thanks for these reminders!
Greta says
These are great tips! While social distancing my house has never been so clean. Being home has its perks!
Amelia says
Vinegar and baking soda is suitable for the cleaning the kitchen. It is very useful. Thank you for the sharing this post.
Monika M. says
I love spring cleaning! These are awesome tips, vinegar and baking soda are always a great option and cleaner also inexpensive. Thank you for the information and tips!