Hey!! I’m back!! Did you think I fell off the face of the planet? If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, then you know I have been traveling since the holidays started. Now that I am back to the real world, the blog will be back to its regular broadcasting.
In case you missed me, here are some photos of what I’ve been up to since I’ve been gone (in no particular order).
Annabelle snuggling with my brother’s kitty, Georgia, on our trip to Connecticut.
Tine’s Engagement Party
New Year’s Eve with my sisters and cousins
Matching jammies with my girl on Christmas morning
Celebrating Christmas in Tennessee with B’s Family
She looks like she is up to no good
Sisters at Tine’s Engagment Party
Annabelle’s 2nd Christmas
Today is going to be particularly hard. It is the first time I will be away from Annabelle in over two weeks. When my father in law picked her up this morning, I couldn’t walk her out to the car. It hurt a little too much…having to say, “Bye Bye” knowing she now fully understands what “Bye Bye” means. The last two weeks with this little munchkin have been amazing. I’m so thankful to have had them off, but it’s bittersweet to have to go back to work full time at the end of it all. I miss being a SAHM and while I love my job as a teacher, I love spending the days just being Momma to my sweet Booch more. I just have to look at the bright side – working means helping my family which means I am able to give Annabelle everything she needs and wants.
To all the teachers – how many weeks until spring break?
And to all the Moms back at work today – sending you love and hugs!
I hope you have a good (& quick) day at work! Beckett made it a little easier on me to say goodbye to him this morning when I left for work – he decided to party in the middle of the night and was up 3x just for the heck of it. I gladly left him with his daddy this morning until 5:00, lol, although I am jealous that Beckett gets to nap and I don’t!
My spring break is the last week of March! I can do it!
Today was harder for me, I think, than my baby boy!