WELL now that I know I have so many people who like my blog (I am giving you all virtual hugs and air kisses right now)… here is what I have decided to do:
*Keep my blog public for the summer while I am in school*
*Make it private in the fall once I start my teaching job*
Thanks for the comment love everyone. It truly means a lot to see that I do have more readers out there than I thought who would want to continue following me if I make Think Happy Thoughts private. Honestly, I don’t want to shut my blog out from the public, but it would be in my best interest to do so. I don’t know how I could not talk about my every day life on my blog without worrying a parent or faculty member will stumble across THT and not be happy with it.
Until I go private, I am going to have to be very vague about what I am doing all day long in my summer school that starts two weeks from yesterday. It’s not top secret – just something I should discuss.
Basically – I will be in a teaching program M-F that needs 100% of my attention. I shall eat, sleep, breathe, think, and talk about my program…just not here to you. I will be able to blog at night and on the weekends – hopefully with funny stories about me getting lost in the city or forgetting to bring a lunch to school and starving all day b/c my tummy hates fast food. Or about how broke I am considering as of Friday I will not get a paycheck until the end of JULY! AHHHH.
I have had more than a few volunteers who have offered to guest blog while I am busy with school.
So no worries – Think Happy Thoughts will be up and running even if I am off somewhere with my nose in a textbook or learning how to write lesson plans.
Sadly, my cooking blog is going to suffer, as I will have no time to cook, except for on the weekends – along with Mr. Bear’s poor belly. He is going to be on a summer diet that consists of whatever-he-can-make-himself. I told him he needs to learn how to cook for me while I am in school and then learn how to blog on Mrs. Bear’s Tasty Fare. Don’t you all agree Mr. Bear should learn how to cook for me?!
He finally learned how to open a wine bottle… hooray for Mr. Bear!
(Seriously, he and that wine opener were enemies until last Thursday).
In lieu of my upcoming inability to blog daily, I want to repost some of my favorite posts – how The Bears met, how Mr. Bear proposed, our wedding and honeymoon recaps, and anything else you may request.
If you have any favs that you want to read again, just let me know.
I am also thinking of hosting a little Q & A before I start school too – because after yesterday’s outpouring of love from my ghost followers, I am sure there are more than a few of you who don’t really know that much about me. And I’d like you all to know what Mrs. Bear… and Mr. Bear…. are all about. =0)
Keep up the good work!!!!
I’m totally behind and would have definitely followed you, but you already made a decision.
hmm Q&A… what is your biggest regret?
Being a teacher, I COMPLETLEY understand your desire to make your blog private. I struggle with the same details every day. My teaching is a big part of my life and it sucks that I can’t share THAT aspect of my life with my readers, but in the end… your job is more important than funny stories! (And that’s what I have to remind myself when I hear a student say something hilarious and “I am TOTALLY blogging about this” pops into my head!
Enjoy your summer program and we’ll miss you while you’re gone… but it’ll make those posts you DO get to make even that much more special!
It’s cute that Mr. Bear just learned to open a wine bottle. Mr. F once sprayed himself with half a bottle of wine when he used the old fashioned prong wine opener! I’ll miss your fun posts this summer and when you’re in school.
You’re going to be so busy this summer! And good idea on re-posting some of your fav posts. I’m sure they’re our faves, too!
I think Mr. Bear helping out on your cooking blog is a great idea! 🙂
Maybe you could bribe him with some more wine??? (now that he knows how to open it ‘n all.
So cute! I can’t wait for the recaps…I’m newer-ish to your lovely blog and can’t wait to read the stories of the how the Bears became the Bears! :o)
L-O-V-E the pics of the hilarious andimals!!! yes, i meant to spell it like that. and SO glad you’re going to be public (for now) 🙂
i totally think mr. bear should learn to cook gourmet delicacies while you’re a hard workin’ woman. and i like the idea of the recaps!!!
I’m pretty sure anyone who has even stumbled on your blog knows A TON about you! Even what you ate for dinner last night..haha. All you have to do is look at your older posts. So I’d reccomend using guest bloggers instead of old stories…all the tv shows will be re-runs for the summer, keep the blogs new at least:)
I am a ghost follower too who loves your blog! The only reason I am a “ghost follower” is because I don’t have my own blog to share! I enjoy reading yours and hearing about your adventures and will hope to keep following you when you go private. Maybe now that I have left you my first comment I will start leaving more comments for you 🙂
Hey, how do you decide who will be allowed to read your blog? I love it – but if you just want fam i understand 🙂 let me know!