My 8 year old nephew, was a funny little guy at the age of 3. When he heard the call of nature, he’d kindly tell everyone, “I need be privacy,” before disappearing into the bathroom. That was his way of saying, “Go away. Do not bother me. I need to make a poopy.” Pretty clever huh? He could have just said the latter.
I am starting to worry that maybe “I need be privacy.”
Not in the bathroom… but here with my blog.
I think I need to go private.
The reason: Two weeks from today I will begin a very rigorous and intense summer institute that will ultimately prepare me for being a teacher this fall. As a member of this certain program, I am expected to maintain various professional values. I fear that having my blog accessible to the public could jeopardize my efforts of being a responsible and trustworthy Mrs. Bear. Sometimes I curse on this blog. Sometimes I talk about my drinking habits. Sometimes I tell inappropriate stories. What if a very important person reads this and decides that maybe I am not the person they want teaching their kiddies??
My biggest hesitation: I will no longer be able to gain new followers, nor will my current ghost followers (those of you that don’t have a blogger account, do not visibly follow my blog, or don’t like to leave comments) be able to access my bloggy blog anymore.
I love getting new followers – especially when they leave me lots o’ lovin in my comment box – but I am worried that if I don’t put an invisible cloak over Think Happy Thoughts that maybe a big bad scary monster will find me and take advantage of me and ruin my career.
**I love blogging because I feel like I am documenting my life on the internet so that one day I can go back and show my kids what mommy was doing when she was 24. I love blogging because I have YOU. There is nothing better than checking your inbox and seeing a ton of comments just waiting to be published after a post. Seriously – I get SO excited I usually call my mom or Mr. Bear to tell them how many comments I get on good posts.
**I love that I know I can get lots of love, support, advice, compliments, and ideas from my followers. I take all of your comments seriously and quite often rely on what you all think when I am trying to make a decision.
**I love that I have made quite a few bloggy friends with whom I email on a weekly basis and look forward to meeting someday (two words: Disney World).
Bytheway – Just for the record, I don’t love that I haven’t been feeling your love over the past couple of days tho – did I piss someone off?! If so – please tell me! I like being told when I’ve done something wrong so I can fix it. I’d rather know than just think I am no longer interesting or funny.
Will you still actively follow me if I go private?
Will you tell your bloggy friends about my super duper cool blog and send me their email so they can follow me too??
Should I stay public for the summer, work on getting followers by becoming a stellar blogger, until I become a real bonified teacher?
Sue Barber Baird says
I love reading about you and Bradon and love to see what you have cooked for the love of your life…
Mrs. Newlywed Giggles says
I would most def still follow you if you go private!
That's Sassy says
i would definitly follow ur blog if u go private and i have already introduced a couple of my real life friends who have blogs to ur blog! Your adventures are hilarious and ur recipes inspire me to experiment in the kitchen!!
Virginia Belle says
I love your blog and will continue to follow you no matter what! Good luck figuring it all out.
Candice Lynn says
I would def still follow you if you go private! I totally understand the need to go private since you are becoming a teacher….but I hope you still let those of us to love to read follow you!
Lauren @ Dreams Take Flight says
I would totally continue to follow you if you went private!
Oh, and I think the lack of comments thing is because a lot of people were having Blogger problems recently. It wouldn’t even let me do anything yesterday!
amy anne says
I don’t know what you should do, but wanted to let you know that I do love following your blog and am glad I stumbled upon it!!
Allison says
Of course I will still follow you! And I think it would probably be the best thing for your peace of mind. You don’t want to worry all the time about what you’re writing. And I don’t think you have to worry about losing any followers!
holly p says
I’ve been following your blog forever, even though I don’t have time to comment much! I think if you are worried that your blog might affect your career, it’s time to go private. I don’t think it’s worth potentially losing your career over gaining followers (although I know how fun it is to watch the numbers grow and the comments come in!). I’d still follow you either way 🙂 Good luck, whichever way you decide to go!
sharlyn emily says
i think you’re funny and interesting! 🙂 sorry for not commenting too much lately.. i’ve been a lazy blogger :/ i think its in your best interest to go private though. if this were to ever interfere with my career.. i’d close it down or make it private in a heartbeat. especially if i were a teacher.. parents can be tough! good luck! 🙂 and i’ll keep reading!
Miss Kriss says
Maryanne, I’d follow you to the moon and back. Twice. So if you do decide to go private, I highly suggest that my email address be the first one on your “invite” list. 😉 xoxoxo.
Trish The Dish says
I feel your pain. I also work in the education field. I am actually a substance abuse counselor at a high school here on Long island N.Y. So that explains my reason for a private blog. I totally understand your reasons. I’m new to the blog world but love reading your blog. Actually all the wonderful blogs I read daily make me go back in forth with my decision as well. I know this doesn’t help but whatever you choose I hope I get to continue reading yours. :o)
Katie says
um, HEWWO? of COURSE i’d follow you if you went private! how on EARTH are would i know what’s going on in my dream secret sharer future trip to disney world trip companion’s life if you go PRIVATE and i didn’t come with you? after kristin, my email address needs to be on the high priority add to the invite list. pwease and thank you.
ps – loves you, private or not. 🙂
Ashley says
I would still follow your blog if you went private. Just honestly not sure how. I had a blogger that I read frequently go private. She e-mailed me her blog link and I accepted, but never get her updates. Does going private mean your new posts won’t show up in my reader anymore? Stupid questions maybe. Either way, you should definitely do what you feel comfortable with. Putting your career in danger is no good. 🙂
Ams says
I will most definitely 110% be following you Missy Magoo— you need to do what is best for YOU ok? S always acts why I won’t go private and I have all the same feelings about this as you…
Keep me posted and don’t disappear on me!
Brandi says
I’ve been reading the blog for almost a year, and only commented once before. I like reading about your adventures as a newlywed and think it’s exciting that you’re going after your teaching dream!! So I’ll definitely still be following the blog as long as I can.
Caroline says
I love your blog. I’ll follow you wherever you go!
Carol {Everyday Delights} says
If you do decide to go private I will keep on following you!!
I totally understand what you are going through though. I think that when I get a new job, I’m not going to tell anyone I work with about it.
Let us know what you decide to do!
All you need is love... says
Look at all these comments!!!!!
You must be so happy to be so loved by all!
And yes, I would HAVE to continue to follow you!! You are one of the ones that pulled me into this BLog world!!!
Polka Dots & Protein Bars says
You had me at “meow!” Of course, I will follow you! To the ends of privacy and back again!
Sarah says
As a newer reader please don’t loose us ghosts that don’t comment very often please
Lacey says
I’ve been following your blog for almost a year, and I guess I’m a “ghost”. I love it because I’m interested in becoming a teacher in the inner city through a similar program. If you go private, how would I be able to follow it? Please let me know, I would hate to miss out. Thanks!
Becs says
I would still follow your blog! I know I suck at leaving comments and for that I am so sorry. If you go private, I will make sure to pass your blog along to all my bloggie friends!
Kristin says
nooooo! i love your blog and would DEFINITELY still follow and send new blog friends your way! give yourself the summer to blog, get followers and then make an informed decision!
Nicole says
I constantly go back and forth with keeping my blog open or private. I have no idea how many people read my blog-though I know that lots of our family reads it and seem to have a tough time entering in a password when it’s private. It’s a tough decision. A while ago, I blocked it completely, took some time and erased all our real names off of the blog and reopened it under a new name. It really doesn’t help though that when I sign up to follow a blog, my last name appears…good luck with the decision. I’d love to continue to follow you if you don’t mind!
Corinne says
1. I’m going to still follow you when (or if) you go private. Sounds slightly creepy, but I still love you and I love reading your blog…so I need it.
2. I understand how you are going through this process. I think it’s commendable that you are considering it. I’m sure the decision is hard, but I know you will make the right one that is for YOU.
3. Cheer up love! I love it when you are happy rather than sad! (and if puppies make you happy, stay tuned to my blog tomorrow-Miley is making her formal introduction!)
Mrs. Ruby says
Not even a question – I will forever be a follower!!! 😉
As far as going private…I have definitely thought about this seeing as I am on the same path you are. Still haven’t made my decision yet. I do know lots of teachers with blogs…so, I’m not sure how to proceed…I’m a big help right? 🙂
California Wife says
I will definitely continue to follow you no matter what, but as a fellow teacher I don’t think you NEED to go private unless when you google your name your blog automatically comes up. Good luck figuring it all out, what will you be teaching this fall?
Courtney Rogers says
Hey Chickie!!! I don’t care if you go private or not, but can I come along for the oh so funny post????!!! You crack me up! (Oh yea, and I’m a southern gal too. Does that matter?)
T-shirts and mini skirts says
I would definitely read you…i love all your stories!! I do suck at leaving comments though!!
Lynsey and Brian says
I love reading your blog and would love to still follow it after you go private!
attemptsatadventures says
I would keep reading! Don’t often comment but always read 🙂
THE Stephanie says
Ha ha! Ok, right meow, I think you should stay public, but in the Fall, I may agree with you. There are some professions that you just don’t want to risk.
Whatever happens, don’t lose me! LOL
A Bride In Boots says
Don’t you go anywhere, missy! But if you do, I, like Miss Kriss, expect to be on the top of your invite list. Please and thank you.
Jenny.Lee says
Sooooo I’m kinda late but I better be invited to read your private blog should you choose to go that route! 🙂
Mecca says
I definitely would still follow! Especially love your recipes.