{THIS WEEK} I learned…
- Lemon + Lavender + Peppermint Essential Oils are a great blend for allergies. I put three drops of each in a vegetable capsule, take it in the morning, and the headache and sore throat I wake up with disappear quickly. Do you use essential oils?
- Night weaning is not an easy task. Last night I didn’t go in when she cried at 1am and she fell back to sleep after a little bit of crying. She didn’t nurse all night long! Thanks to all the Moms for your advice yesterday! If you’re still looking for help with night weaning, here is a great article a friend recommended called “How I Night-Weaned in 7 Days” by Lacie Rader.
{THIS WEEK} Annabelle
- Ever since Annabelle started sleeping in her crib at night, we have incorporated turning on the sound machine as a part of our bedtime routine. I say, “It’s night night time” and turn on the machine before we sit in the rocker to read a book/nurse. This week Annabelle walked over to the sound machine and said, “Night night” and tried to turn it on. It was precious!!
- Last week we made a list of all the words Annabelle can say with a purpose and were amazed… I swear she adds a new word to her vocabulary every other day! I can’t remember them all, but here are those on the top of my head (in no particular order): Mama, Dada, dog, booboo, night night, Noni (Naw), Nana, Coco, Pop, cookie, please, nose, No, Yes, byebye, bird, peanut butter (a jumbled version), juice, shoes, there, socks, tree, bubbles, tubby, bunny (bun), home
{THIS WEEK} I wrote…
- a recipe for Thieves tea made with essential oils that helps sore throats, coughs, and colds.
- a slew of parenting/breastfeeding questions that needed answers from Moms/Dads.
- thoughts on being both a Mom and a teacher.
- about starting fresh on a Monday and what’s coming up next month in my life.
How was your week?
When we did Ferberization with Rhys, we bought a music machine mirror and Rhys can turn it on and off himself and it’s super cute!
I absolutely love this pic!!! So so sweet! =)
Didn’t know some essential oils are good for allergies. I just love how they smell like, and that’s it. lol. Thank you for sharing this information. Annabelle looks absolutely cute as usual. 🙂