Our little Ailey Leighton is two months old!
Ailey’s Two Month Old Stats
At two months old, Ailey Leighton is weighing 11 pounds 13 ounces and measuring 24 inches long. She has been wearing mostly 3 month clothing, but can fit in some 3-6 month outfits. Ailey is a little bit chunkier than her sister was at this age, so some items of clothing that Annabelle wore at 2 months old does not fit Ailey.
Ailey’s Two Month Old Likes and Dislikes
Ailey loves to take baths, lay on her play mat, and be changed.
She doesn’t really care for tummy time as she only lasts 5 minutes or less before yelling. She can turn her head side to side while on her tummy on the floor. When she is laying on my chest, she can pick her head up very well. The doctor says she is super strong for her age! We notice she is always trying to sit up and forward when she is held in a sitting position.
Ailey goes to sleep around 10pm for the night and wakes up anywhere from 3.5 – 5.5 hours later. She sleeps in her Rock-n-Play most of the night, but sometimes ends up in our bed because she can’t get comfy. Ailey always has a gassy belly in the mornings and rests easier sleeping on her belly on my chest.
After eating, she must sit up right to burp or spit up, or she screams and screams. She is still taking Zantac for acid reflux and we are using various creams for eczema. The doctor thinks she has a dairy allergy, so we’ve been eating dairy free.
Ailey’s first genuine smile was on September 26. She always smiles when she sees her Mommy and likes when her Daddy gives her a side eye. Her favorite ‘toy’ is her Wubbanub, but she doesn’t always need her pacifier to be happy. She rode on her first plane October 5th on our trip to meet my family in Connecticut.
For the most part, she was a great baby to fly with! She hates having a dirty diaper, so she screamed on the plane when she needed Mommy to change it. She’s an adaptable baby and does well in new situations.
Our family could not be more happy and proud of our little girl. Annabelle loves being a big sister, and while she may get jealous at times, Ailey holds a special place in her heart.
Many of you have inquired about Ailey’s headband, blanket, and stickers. The blanket was a gift from my great friend Corinne! The headband and stickers were purchased from Etsy before Ailey was born. If you make any purchases, please let them know you found their shop on my blog!
Blanket: Trendy Tree House Floral Headband: Jackson and Co. Monthly Sticker: Happy Party Decor
Happy two months! That blanket she’s laying on is so cute!
She is just so pretty! Happy two months pretty girl!
Where is the headband from? Love it! Happy 2 months!
oh she is just so perfect!