Our third daughter, Arbor, is two months old (plus a week or two). Today I’m sharing her two month old stats with 10 week old traits, likes and dislikes, and more!
Arbor’s Two Month Old Stats
Weight – 12 lbs 9 oz
Height – 23 1/2 in
Arbor is wearing 3 month clothing and 3/6 month booties. See how Arbor’s size compares to her sisters at the same age here.
Sleep: Arbor likes to nap in her lounger in the crib in her swaddle with the sound machine on white noise in the dark. She lets us know when she is tired and almost gets excited when I lay her on the changing pad to get in her swaddle. She naps every 60 to 90 minutes from waking up for 45 minutes or less. If we hold her in the mid-afternoon while she naps, she will sleep for 1-2 hours.
Nighttime sleep is a little different since she wakes almost every 2-4 hours to eat. She goes to sleep in the lounger in between me and Brandon around 8pm. We usually get up for the day at 7am.
Allergy Update: I am still following a dairy free diet while breastfeeding Arbor since she started showing signs of a dairy allergy last month. We noticed her temperament is a bit better and her face rash has cleared up. However, she still has bouts of gas and chunky spit up. We also noticed eczema on her hands, stomach, and back. It’s possible the eczema is from the dry winter air, the laundry detergent (Dreft) we use, or another allergy (soy?). It doesn’t seem to bother her, and it isn’t severe, but I am keeping an eye on it.
10-11 Week Old Traits
Arbor has changed A LOT since I wrote this one month post at 6 weeks old. She still loves eating, sleeping, and a nice long bath – but she’s really starting to enjoy more of the world around her.
At two months old, Arbor is very curious and wide-eyed. She stares for periods of time at everything – like the wreath above our bed (sometimes she even has a chat with it). She is extremely animated with her eyebrows and lots of silly facial expressions. She may have the biggest baby grin I’ve ever seen too! Arbor gives a big smile to her parents and sisters once she sets eyes on them (she has yet to notice our cat Muffin though). She loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song (I kid you not, she actually gets excited when it comes on).
Arbor loves communicating through coos (and ‘hawk cries’), but mostly enjoys conversations when we make baby noises back to her cooing. There are some things she does not like and lets you know with a fierce shriek. Her dislikes include: winter hats, being bored, and putting on new clothes (loves diaper changes on the changing table though!).
More Milestones at 2 Months
Let’s talk about Tummy Time. Arbor doesn’t care for tummy time, just like her big sisters. She holds her neck up very well, though. In the last few days she has tried to sit herself up in the car seat and swing. The pediatrician said as long as she is able to hold herself up on her arms then she’s doing great!
At 9-10 weeks old Arbor found the toys on her favorite Baby Bjorn bouncer – the look on her face is priceless every time her hand makes contact with a flower. She’s able to grab onto her toys if placed in her hand and sometimes smacks at the wooden rings on her playmat. Arbor is working on controlling her hands; she really likes to grab onto your hair/clothing every chance she gets.
Babies at two months old begin to self soothe by sucking on their hands. She sucked on her fists obsessively around 9 weeks old, but hasn’t much recently. She takes a pacifier when she is sleepy and sometimes in the car when she gets upset. Note: Arbor does not like the car unless it’s in motion. She also doesn’t care for her car seat.
Big Sister Update
The big sisters are still loving on Arbor with every chance they get. Ailey shows her more and more affection every day – which is great news since the beginning was a difficult adjustment. Arbor recognizes her sisters’ faces and voices. She loves when they sing to her in the car or play with her on her mat. Annabelle really wants to carry her around the house, but we haven’t let her yet.
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