I have never written a confessions post at the end of my pregnancy, so today I’m sharing my 38 week pregnancy confessions. It’s time to get some thoughts off my chest (and you should try it too – it’s good to talk things out!).
38 Week Pregnancy Confessions
I am at the point in my 38 week pregnancy where I’m ready to throat punch the next person who asks me when the doctors think Ailey is coming. No one knows when she will decide to come out into the world but her and her alone.
I am aware that it’s best for a baby to cook until 40 weeks, but there is nothing wrong with wanting her to come early.
38 Week Pregnancy Confessions: Last weekend I saw Bad Moms and laughed so hard I cried… and almost peed my pants.
Almost 38 weeks pregnant and everything annoys me. If you plan on chewing or breathing loud, please stay far away.
I hate Georgia summer weather more and more each day that passes as I am trapped inside my house. If I am outside for more than 15 minutes I find myself having trouble breathing, so I basically hide in the a/c all day on a self-imposed house arrest.
My blog post today makes me sound like the most miserable human being on this planet, but I promise I am only a little bit cranky.
Read more pregnancy posts here.
Lately, Annabelle’s antics are so funny, but so naughty at the same time, that I find myself simultaneously hiding my face while I silently laugh and scold her.
The receptionist at my OB’s office kept calling me Chelsea yesterday. I started having flashbacks to high school when I would cry because people told me I looked like Chelsea Clinton. Sorry Chelsea, but you’re just not someone I want to look like.
I still don’t understand Pokemon Go.
Today is Open House at my old school and it feels weird not being there. I’m totally stoked to be a SAHM again, but I can’t lie – I will miss being a teacher too!
I have not installed Ailey’s car seat base yet, so I have to ask myself, “Is she not going to come early because we aren’t fully prepared yet?” Maybe I’ll do that today.
Annabelle made me smell her poopy diaper. I was laying on the floor trying to stretch my back and she stood over my face and said, “SMELL IT.” I started laughing hard and so she squatted over me. She repeated, “SMELL IT MOMMY.” So I smelled it.
Smell it mommy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! #babybigtruck farted in Mikes face the other day and I nearly lost my mind laughing so hard!
I feel ya on wanting to punch people in the face when they ask when baby A will be here. I hate all the stupid questions moms to be get.
hahaha! This had me cracking up between the throat punch and the smell it! I really want to see Bad Moms too!
Ugh I hear you. I’m 29 weeks and people keep commenting things like “still pregnant?” YEP and I have a while to go!!! This gets increasingly old.
Maybe if you don’t install the car seat, she’ll decide to come? Like she’ll try to catch you off guard?
I have never loved one of your posts more than I love this one today. Thank you for the laugh. Throat punch literally made me LOL because we all have days (read weeks) like that. And, while I’ve never been pregnant, people annoy me on the daily for many different reasons! Bad Moms was hysterical. I loved it almost as much as I love your blog posts. Keep these coming! You’re just writing what we’re all feeling. So thank you.
Haha, smell it! That’s hysterical! I’m reading this sitting in the doctor’s office and as they are 45 minutes late I want to rip apart the lady who won’t STFU or the kid bouncing around like a maniac. By 8 months I have ZERO patience for anyone or anything. I’m trying so very hard to keep myself lively and moving. I took Jack to the farm and struggled to enjoy it for 2 hours. Plus, I’m punishing myself by taking him to an amusement park this weekend. I’m nuts!
I loved Bad Moms, too! Pretty sure I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at multiple points in the movie.
You do not look remotely like Chelsea Clinton, rest assured! And Annabelle’s “smell it” made me laugh so hard I snorted and spit out my lunch. Lol!!!!
Bahahaha “smell it”!!! Oh toddlers. My two year-old son is all about the poop/tooting humor as well. And lol at Chelsea Clinton!! I definitely laughed at that one–and you definitely look nothing like her!
My baby just turned 8 weeks old, and I feel like I was just at the throat punch stage yesterday. People drove me insane with that–I was like guys, this kid hasn’t given me a memo on his date and time of arrival so shut up and leave me alone!! Haha. You’re almost there!! Warmest wishes for a smooth delivery and happy/healthy mom and baby ? The second time around was definitely quicker and easier!
I am dying over the smellt it comment. I never thought I would constantly be smelling my girls butts to see who pooped. And sometimes it is just sooooo bad. Ha. I love your confessions. I was over being pregnant towards the end too. It is tough…especially in the heat and humidity. No shame there. I don’t understand Pokemon Go either. Nor do I want to.
Ok this literally made me lol. Throat punching is the real deal during pregnancy! I so hear you. And the smell it!! Kids. Hang in there! You’re so close! Oh and we installed our base at the hospital while holding the baby. It happens after the firstborn.