This week I’m sharing a pregnancy update, with my symptoms, weight gain, cravings and more. Here is Caitlin Houston’s 29 week bump update.
How far along are you? 29 weeks
How I’m feeling: I’ve been having some shortness of breath …which randomly occurs when I am SITTING and not exercising. The doctor is curious as to why this is happening, since I workout and am not overweight. I am going to see a cardiologist to get everything checked out – Fingers crossed it’s nothing!
Total weight gain: I almost threw up my Mexican when I found out I’ve reached the 20 lbs mark. I know I am supposed to gain weight – it is just strange seeing those numbers on a scale!
Cool baby facts: Annabelle is fattening up! She is still transverse, so when I feel her moving on both sides, I like to think she is either dancing or swimming.
How big is baby? Acorn squash – could be 2.5 – 3.5 lbs!
Sleep: It sucks – I usually have a belly ache all night long, no matter what time I eat dinner. I get up 2 times to go to the bathroom and can never get comfortable!
Maternity Clothes: Now that I have a washer and dryer and have unpacked my clothes, I have been trying to mix my dresses and tops into my wardrobe. I am maternity on the bottom at ALL times though.
Best pregnancy moment this week
My birthday… I know Annabelle didn’t have much to do with it, but her Daddy wrote me a very sweet card about becoming a Mommy. And Annabelle loved everything that I ate – she was kicking and flipping all day long!
Movement: My little sweet pea is still sideways – she moves every 1-2 hours and I can really feel her. Yesterday it was almost like she was trying to escape!
Food cravings: Sweets.
Food aversions: Nothing.
Belly button in or out: It is sticking out … but not entirely. It is mostly flat and gross looking.
What I miss: Being able to stand or sit for long periods of time without having back or foot pain!
What I’m looking forward to: My baby shower in Tennessee this weekend.
Randoms: Pregnancy has caused me to get all crafty and stuff. I made a burlap wreath (post to come) for our front door and a Happy Fall Treat Mix for some neighbors. I am going to be doing my second installment of “Is Your Bump Like My Bump?” within the next two weeks! Stay tuned…
You don’t look like you have gained 20lbs! You look really great!
You look great! Love that wreath you made!
aww you look so cute! I love your bump! You are only 6 weeks behind me… I can’t believe how close to the end we are getting!!!
It must be so exciting to feel her move! You look too cute! Also I LOVE that wreath, it’s super chic.
Can’t wait to see the wreath! Glad everything is going smoothly, hopefully the shortness of breath is no big deal.
Super cute! You’re almost there.
Makes me want another one. Ok, I am lying. I’ll live vicariously through the rest of y’all! LOL
Your weight gain is all belly. Miss you lover!
you have the cutest baby bump, all tummy!! what a lucky duck!
This two week difference between us is throwing me off now! LOL!! The numbers on the scale are awful!!! I hit 34 lbs already and it’s all belly and booty!! I have started walking more to try and level it out but I am not eating crap all day long so it stresses me out!!!
Love the wreath!!!
I’m at the 18 pound mark. I’m stressed a bit about it. No matter what, pregnant or not it is hard to feel pretty and sexy 🙁 I love the wreath. Super cute. I have to get crafty this weekend and make some baby shower crafts. Cant believe how quickly time is passing for us. The babies will be here so very soon!!!