37 weeks pregnant bump update!
How Far Along
37 Weeks 3 Days pregnant
Total weight gain
Baby Facts
Ailey is the size of a watermelon (maybe), her lungs are likely mature, and they say that she is only early term and not considered full term until 38 weeks. We know she is at least 6lbs from the ultrasound they did last week… and she will probably gain a half a pound a week until she arrives.
Movement: Slow, sometimes painful, and erratic. The craziest thing happened last week – she had her back pressed up against my stomach and we could see her breathing from the outside. It was precious, but also a bit freaky!
Symptoms: Same ole heartburn and throwing up fire in my mouth every time I burp.
Labor Signs?
I’m 2 cm dilated and my cervix is soft… should I mention that the midwife who did my “exam” last Tuesday didn’t even check me?! And my doctor on Thursday was appalled that she peeked up there with her eyes and that was all?
She’s dropped – very low – 1. I can breathe. 2. I have shooting pains down my inner thighs when she turns her head. 3. My clothes fit different.
How I’m Feeling: Anxious. One minute I am ready for Ailey and the next I think she can stay in there a little longer. Life is about to change in a million different ways. I think no matter how prepared I try to be, we will never be truly ready for what it shall be like as a family of four!
My third trimester is almost coming to a close at 37 weeks pregnant! I am very excited to meet Ailey!
Wondering? Here is my 37 week bump update with Annabelle.
Wow comparing your bump pictures you can tell she’s definitely shifted. I hope this means you’re a little more comfortable. I feel the same way about adding a second baby to the mix, some days I just hope he waits a while longer. We’re enjoying our only child for now and trying to spend lots of quality time with her!
I absolutely LOVE your outfit! I’ll be saying many prayers for you as you get closer and closer to your due date!
Love your bump style in this pic! You’re so close! 🙂
You are so close! Love your look in this one, so cute!
She is soooo close to being here. So very exciting. Hang in there momma.