Annabelle…oh Annabelle… hanging with Mama at 29 weeks pregnant.
How far along: 29 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 24 lbs? I avoid scales unless I am at the doctor.
Baby Size: A butternut squash
Baby Facts: At 29 weeks pregnant, your baby weighs nearly three pounds now and measures about 17 inches. Though she’s getting pretty close to her birth length, she still has to chub out a bit.
Movement: Baby A feels like she might be squished already as her movements are getting a little painful, almost like they’re scraping against my skin.
Sleep: She likes to move low at night and that means lots of potty breaks. Sleep has been sucky the last week.
Cravings/Aversions: Cold fresh fruit – cold water always!
Symptoms: Shortness of Breath – Dizziness – Nausea – I haven’t called the doctor yet because I am convinced I must have low BP… and after reading my bump update with A, seems like I started feeling the same way at 29 weeks. I’ve been feeling weird for the last few days and it catches me off guard… when we were at Sprouts on Monday I thought I was going to pass out in the aisle. Then, just like that, it was gone.
Round Ligament Pain – Whenever I move quickly I feel like I’ve pulled muscles in my abdomen or pelvis.
Headaches – the headaches are beginning to appear almost daily and after I have a bout of dizziness. I had headaches with Annabelle and thought I escaped them this time!
Heartburn – Thank you Zantac for preventing and squashing my heartburn!
Pregnancy Brain – I need to write a whole post about this… it gets worse every day! While driving to the store, I freaked out because I thought I forgot to strap Annabelle in. I pulled over to check and there she was – strapped in tightly – laughing at her crazy Momma.
Randoms: The lymph node in my armpit is so swollen and weird looking. I want to wear a bandaid over it so people don’t think I have an armpit growth when we are at the beach in two weeks.
Favorites: Seeing Baby A move from the outside is always a fun family event.
Wondering? Here is my 29 week bump update with Annabelle. I was so much smaller with her!
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