My first grade class this year is VERY different than the incredible class I had the privilege of teaching last year. Aside from the serious behavior problems (I have had 3 kids suspended – 2 on multiple occasions), these children are such little lovers.
I get more hugs, pictures, and compliments from my first graders each day than I did throughout last year. They love to bring me little gifts and sneak-attack hug me from behind. It is a shame that some of the huggers are also the out of control terrors.
In the past week, I have received a juice box, a cookie, an apple, a jar of applesauce, 2 stickers, 2 Twizzlers, and my desk was scrubbed down and organized. I’ve been hugged 100000 times, told I was the “BEST TEACHER IN THE UNIVERSE,” and informed that I was missed over the weekend.
These kiddies make it so hard for me to really dislike them. One minute I am screaming my head off because they are punching each other, the next I am awww-ing over the love note I found on my desk.
Children are mind boggling. They are manipulative without even trying. I am often asked why I don’t have children yet (by my first graders of course), and I tell them that I do have children, I have 22 lovely little children right here in my classroom.
I do want my own bear cubs… but for now, I will settle for the love-to-hate munchkins who reside in my first grade classroom.
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