Email from my sister in law
I am so bummed. We couldn’t get the last 3 ducklings. Once the Mom got the other 9 (she came to the basket and I snuck up and tipped it over so they could run to her) she quacked in such a sad, joyous way that I almost cried. She lead them off into the backyard and we haven’t seen them again. Now that the 3 left behind don’t hear the mom quacking, they have fallen silent and they have gone deeper into the tunnel. I don’t see them anymore. 🙁 Everytime I tried to grab them they went down further out of reach. I should have covered the tunnel before going after them all. I made a mistake and now I can’t stop thinking about their teeny tiny duck bodies. Waaaaaaaaaahhhh!
Tom is not my friend…neither is Romper
About a month ago when my momma was in town, we ran into Target to pick up a few things: birthday card, deodorant, batteries, facewash, bodywash, and toothpaste. While I quickly tried on a romper I’d been eyeing online, Mr. Bear ran off to get our toiletries. I quickly learned rompers were not made with my booty in mind (which disappoints me because I want to wear a romper oh so bad). Mr. Bear came back in record time sporting a huge I’ve-done-something-naughty grin.
Me: “Wow, that was the fastest it’s ever taken you to find things on a list. Here, let me see if you got all of the right stuff.”
Mr. Bear: Displays the goods, still smiling and looking quite devious
Me: “What is this?” grabs a white box with “Toms” written on it
Mr. Bear: “Oh that’s Tom’s Toothpaste. It’s the BEST!”
Me: “Tom’s? That baking soda toothpaste?? Yuuccckkkk, that stuff is gross and it costs like $8.00! Why didn’t you get what we always get?”
Mr. Bear: “Tom’s is the best. We are using Tom’s from now on. Only Tom’s. See, it’s all natural and it’s good for you.” Points out the words on the box.
Me: “I don’t care if its all natural, it is pootie toothpaste. My mom bought it once and I almost threw up while brushing my teeth it tasted so bad. I’m gonna go get a different kind.” Starts to walk away.
Mr. Bear: “NO! We are using Tom’s and that’s final. We should care about what we put in our mouth. Plus, I am the one paying for everything, I get to decide.” Smiles his I-won-this-one smile
Me: “Seriously Mr. Bear. Why would you spend $8 on toothpaste? You don’t even brush your teeth.”
Mrs. Bear’s mom: “What’s the big deal Mrs. Bear? It’s just toothpaste. Give it a try, you’ll probably find out that you like it. And Mr. Bear brushes his teeth. I saw him this morning. Stop acting like a baby.” Smiles that ridiculous stop-arguing-with-your-husband-over-nothing-smile…. I always knew she liked him better than me.
Mr. Bear: “C’mon Mrs. Bear’s mom. Let’s go checkout. Bye Mrs. Bear.” They walk off together, leaving me alone in the middle of a bajillion ugly Rompers, who are now laughing at me b/c not only do I look like beefsteak when I wear one, but my mom just sided with my husband.
Me: I just had an argument over toothpaste with my husband and I have been defeated. I sullenly walk to the checkout counter and watch Mr. Bear buy the nastiest toothpaste of all time.
In conclusion, I hate Tom’s toothpaste more than I hate Miley Cyrus – and I really really really hate Miley Cyrus. For some reason it tears up my mouth, gives me little cuts everywhere, and makes my mouth taste like dirty toilet water. It is the most disgusting toothpaste EVER. However, the only reason I am still using it is because it is all natural and good for my teeths. And I am too lazy to buy my own toothpaste.
haha that sounds really yucky!!
ew yuck i hate baking soda toothpaste. no matter how good it is.
i feel sorry for you.
ha ha. I hate rompers too…they are evil.
It’s funny, my Husband doesn’t eat apples. He says they “cut up his mouth”. hehehehe.
I have never tried that toothpaste – and for the record – I am pretty sure that I never will!! lol… I hope you can get new toothpaste soon… you can always email me your address and I can express post some from Canada if you’d like 😉
And the poor duckies… I hope they will be okay!!
I love the new blog look 🙂
Hahahhahahahaha thank you for my morning laugh…it was so true except for the part that I always liked your hubby more then you. No one can say that ever. Maybe you need to try a romper made by someone better then the Target store…I am sure you would look good in them. I saw some at Nordstrom that I think you would look good in. Now for the ducks I prefer to believe they found Momma at the end of the tunnel and are all happy again I cannot think otherwise. Love you Momma
haaate that toothpaste, youre right, it tastes AWFUL! there is no other way of describing it!
and if it makes you feel better, rompers are NOT made for my booty either. i keep trying them on hoping to get different results, but never do. of course now im pregnant and so it doesnt matter anyways lol
I will be sure not to purchase that toothpaste – sounds yucky!
I would say most people shouldn’t wear rompers…I’m one of them too!
I really want to try a romper but I’m pretty sure it won’t look good on me!!