I can’t believe it is actually Friday, June 11th, my last day of nannying. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was driving along Route 32 and thinking how lucky I was to have found a great family to work for so quickly after moving to Maryland.
I have learned a lot being a nanny…
*I am not even close to being ready to have my own children
*I am a freak when it comes to table manners
*I am going to be one controlling mama – “Chew with your mouth closed!” “Don’t touch the car windows!” “Stay away from the road!” “Two feet on the floor while doing homework!”
*Everything makes me nervous when there is a little kid involved – driving, walking down the street, cooking, the bus stop, etc.
*Little kids are the most interesting people on this planet and the stuff that comes out of their mouth is always interesting, sometimes funny, and sometimes completely shocking.
*I am totally ready to be a teacher! Bring on the kiddies!
Granted I’ve been pretty stressed while taking care of my two little buggers for the past six months, I am going to miss them. I’ve seen them mature and grow (I swear the youngest grew 6 inches in 6 months).I’ve seen them at their low points (spinning like a top, punching one another) and I’ve seen them at their high points (skipping, singing, dancing to the “Starstruck” soundtrack). The boys are lucky to be brothers because they love one another more than I ever thought possible. My most favorite thing about them: when one cries the other cries too because he can’t stand to see his brother upset.
Today is going to fly by as well. We’ve got cookies to bake, McDonalds to eat, cookies to decorate, and I may or may not be sneaking off to my pool during my lunch break for a little one-on-one with Mr. Sun.
And tonight I shall celebrate the end of another chapter of my life: Nanny Bear.
On another note: Some of you may already know that I have a weird obsession with ducks. I get SO excited over duckies. WELL my Mom told me a story this morning that almost broke my heart. A sad lonely female duck has been hanging out in my parent’s front yard for a couple of days now. I totally asked her if she’d pack her in a crate and send her to me to be my pet but she said no =0(
Anyways, my Mom heard my Dad outside talking to someone early this morning, so she went out on the front porch to see what was up. My Dad was asking the duck why she was there and why she wasn’t off somewhere with her husband (ducks are monogamous and come in pairs – the brown ones are the wives and the pretty ones are the husbands). My Dad told my Mom that she was probably “some sexed up lady lookin for a new man” and that they needed to call animal control. My Mom told my Dad, “DUCKS STAY WITH THEIR SPOUSES AND DON’T CHEAT” and decided that there must be something wrong if this female ducky was alone and quacking like there was an emergency. Something told her to peek down the storm drain she was standing by … and when she saw 12 baby duckies swimming around below it all made sense. The poor Mama Duck was quacking for Help!!!
My Momma, sister in law C, and Brother saved the babies this morning by prying off the grate and using a net to fish the little duckies out to safety. HOoray!!! She sent me this picture of them safe in a laundry basket but won’t answer her phone so I don’t know what they are going to do with them. Aren’t they so cute???? I loves them. I wish I had them to put in my bathtub and follow me around quacking all day long.
In SYTYCD news… holy chamoly was last night’s episode amazing!
*Loved the first number – totally all Alice in Wonderland-ish. Dvr’d it and will probably watch it atleast 30x before Mr. Bear makes me delete it.
*Lauren and Kent are so incredible I can’t stand it. Their talent gives me goosebumps. Loved with a capital L when Kent said his ideal woman is “his mom or BEYONCE” – did you see his mom on the results show? She looks nothing like Beyonce… They are totally MY FAV DANCERS of the season!
*Don’t like this whole all-star thing. They steal the newbies’ thunder. For example, I was too distracted by Pasha all shirtless and Anya being all sassy to even look at Christina. I did notice her “lazy feet” tho and don’t know how she will last when P & A are the greatest ballroom dancers EVER and on the same stage as her.
*Travis Wall’s choreography makes me dizzy. I still love him.
*Can’t wait for next week when they compete.
What were your thoughts on the show??
Oh my goodness, those baby ducks are adorable!
LOVED the show last night too! Haha that was so funny with Kent…especially when he said his mom…awkward! I love how in this 11 second video, he’s like oh and I’m single! Cracked me up.
Have a great weekend!
I love baby ducks…SO cute.
Loved SYTYCD. I love that Mia is back. The first dance number by Wade was awesome, Emmy worthy! Lauren is my fave girl. Not a fan of the tapper I must say.
awww cute ducks!!
I love, love, love the duck story! It immediately cheered me up! I, too, am obsessed with ducks, duck was even my first word. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a whole line of them following you around? I’m glad to see they’re okay =]
You’re going to make the best teacher ever! Celebrate tonight! You’ve earned it. And those ducks are so stinking cute!
Congratulations on completing and finishing your time being a nanny! I’m sure those boys will miss you, but you have plenty of new kiddos who will be loving you soon!
Clarification your.. Mom Sister in law and brother worked to save the duckies. Christine and I still have work to do as 3 of the little guys are too good at escaping our grasp. But no worries we are bound and determined to save them in spite of themselves.
congrats on your last day as a nanny bear! HERE’S to teacher bear!!! i’m so excited for your classroom adventures!!!
2nd – omgeeeeee, i LOVE the duckie story!!! what did momma duck do when the babies were safe? do your parents have a pool in the back? can she and her babies live there and be their pet duckies!?!?? i love love LOVE them all!!! and you’re right, something must’ve happened to daddy duckie because they DO stay in pairs!!! oooo, please keep us updated on the duckie situation!!! i just LOVE them, i want to give them wittle kisses on the top of their wittle fuzzy heads!!!
again – missed SYTYCD, but dvr’ed it. i have a weekend of dancing to catch up on. that makes me happy 🙂
xo’s little bear!
Baby ducks are really cute. And I love your SYTYCD updates! I haven’t had time to watch yet, but when I do I will know what’s going on!
Enjoy your last day of nannying! I’m sure it was the perfect precursor for teaching. The baby ducks are precious!
I can’t believe how fast time is flying either?! It’s just insanity.
I hope you have a great last day at your nannying job 🙂 And just so you know – it is completely different when the kids are yours. You are start off and shape and mold them YOUR way… not getting thrown into half way through after some crazy mom and dad have made a mess!! lol (That wasn’t meant to be mean… but you know what I mean right?!)
And those DUCKS!! I love love love them! We hatched ducks for the kiddos to see this year – now they live at a house that can actually house them but they are SOOOOO cute! I love ducks too… you’ll have to let us know what your mom decides to do with them!
oh my gosh!! those baby ducks are adorable!!
my grandparents used to get me two baby ducks each easter for about 3 years. i would play with them and feed them, then when they were all white and grown up we would go to a little island on our lake and release them with the wild white ducks.
but each summer they would come back down the cove to say hi to us 🙂
first, thoes ducks are too cute for words! Thank God your parents cared enough to talk to mama duck and save them!
SYTYCD!!!! LOVED it, obviously!!! I’m so glad you’re with me on the Kent & Lauren train! AND, i LOVE Travis! I still can’t get over how amazing a choreographer he is!!! Why is it NOT next Wednesday?!
What an adorable story!! If you get any more details please share them with us!!!
Awwww, that ducky story makes me want to cry!! I’m SO glad your parents were able to save them all….that’s awesome. Hopefully next time you visit home, you’ll have 12 new brothers and sisters to ‘play’ with! 😉