Isn’t it crazy to think we live in a society where most people have their smartphone within arms reach 90% of their day? I’m guilty of bringing my smartphone everywhere – into the bathroom (gross), next to me while I cook in the kitchen (not safe), and even beside my bed while I sleep. It’s almost disgusting. There are so many reasons why you need to put your phone down, but here are three reasons to make you want to put your smartphone away.
First Reason – Brain Drain
Did you know smartphones drain your brain of energy? Studies show that even if you put your smartphone down to pay attention to something else, you’re still thinking about your phone. We are less attentive to our surroundings because of our stupid smartphones. Think about it… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said to myself, “Ok, I’m putting my phone down to spend time with my girls” only to reach for it two seconds later without even thinking to check for a new text/Instagram notification.
Second Reason – Social Media is BAD for your Soul
Whether you want to admit it or not, at some point in your life you’ve felt inferior because of a post on social media. Maybe it’s the seemingly perfect Instagram Mom account you follow, or perhaps the Facebook photos of a party you weren’t invited to attend, whatever it may be – some thing on social media made you feel bad about yourself. Studies show that constant over-use of smartphones increase anxiety, low self esteem, and feelings of loneliness. Social media is the breeding ground for comparison and in turn the thief of certain joys in life.
Third Reason – Our Children Need Us
Do you have any childhood memories of your parents choosing to pay attention to an electronic device over yourself? Perhaps there was a television show or phone call that may have taken priority over one of your living room performances of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, but for the most part, your parents were present in a different way than we are today. Our children need us and we think we need our smartphone more.
The Impact for My family
My daughters need my undivided attention so they know they’re important, so they have confidence in themselves to speak their minds and take on the world when they’re adults. They need to see me watching them when they talk, when they do something new, when they do something wrong. My children learn from ME how to communicate and if a conversation is held while swiping through Twitter, they’ll think this behavior is appropriate and accepted in our society. How can I ever expect my girls to be conscious of their surroundings if I don’t show them how to do so myself?
I hate how much time I spend on my phone. I hate that I justify my obsessed with my phone as work, when there is absolutely no reason why I should check social media/email every 20 minutes. I hate it so much, but why can’t I just put my phone away?
My goal for the month of April is to spend less time on my phone and computer. I want to teach my daughters that there is an appropriate time for technology and it isn’t when I’m hanging out with them.
I challenge you to do the same – to be more present in your children’s lives – or maybe it is your spouse or best friend you’re neglecting. We always say, “Life is too short” – so why are we spending what precious time we have on this Earth glued to a smartphone?
itll be a goal of mine as well 🙂
Challenge accepted! Thank you, thank you for this post. A harsh notice, but sooo, so true.
I love this! I’ve been working on putting my phone away more often. and I can tell that I’m happier for it. Everything you said was such a good reminder!
This is such a brave post! I’m pretty good about stopping with the constant scrolling around Ben but my downfall is photos. Sometimes I have to try really hard to just be in the moment and enjoying his smiles or giggles right then and there and not be so worried about capturing that moment with my camera (on my phone). It’s a fine balance because I do love looking at the photos or videos later and I’m sure I’ll love them even more as time goes on. But I also really don’t want Ben to grow up with a camera constantly shoved in his face or to not be fully present because of it. Ooof, parenting, huh? Good luck to you in April. I turned off Instagram notifications and that really helped me. You can do it, mama!
Agree, agree, agree! I’m trying to spend less time on my laptop/phone. It’s hard because I study online and whatnot, so dhkjdhfg. It’s funny how we ‘need’ these things! I’m also trying to carve out some ‘just family’ time when I play with my son for a couple of hours (at a time) with no distraction by phone or TV or ANYTHING. It is doing us the world of good!
xo, Victoria