- Seven Eleven opened near our apartment. Mr. Bear brought me a slushie for my sickness and I found a place that is actually open when I leave for school in the a.m.
- I learned that my kids like to dance during the school song in the a.m. Maybe I need to get a video camera…then again I think I can get in trouble for posting videos of little kids…
- One of my students told me that other than humans, the only other creatures that can talk are cats and ducks. Hmm…ponder that one.
- We have no food in our apartment, so my lunch has been consisting of Fat Free Saltines, Cheddar Cheese cubes, and Smores Goldfish. How embarrassing.
- I don’t see myself having any time to hit the grocery store tonight… and I finish the Smores Goldfish and Saltines today. Tomorrow looks like its gonna be an all cheese day.
- On Monday, our school’s air temp was a record 45 degrees F. I was so cold that I did not notice my throat was aching and my teeth were chattering. Perhaps this is where I contracted “The Sickness.”
- Tuesday was my day off – I woke up with some gross boogery achy headache “sickness” and spent the gloriously beautiful day inside my apartment writing lesson plans and watching The Ghost Whisperer in the dark (why did I just discover this show?!).
- Wednesday I took my sickness to school and then to one of my certification classes – hours away from home: 6:30am – 7:45pm. My nose started running down into my mouth during my read aloud and all the kids were extremely grossed out.
- Today I’m takin’ my sickness to school again… then to Back to School/Family night – est. hours I’ll be away from home: 6:20am – 7:45pm. I am going to have to take two Mucinex to make it through the day – this means I will be extra jittery and dry mouthed.
- Our apartment looks like a clothing warehouse – everything has been washed and folded, but nothing has been put away. There is dust covering everything, and I still have not organized my school stuff in the spare bedroom that has been sitting there since August 27th. I blame “The Sickness” and the lack of motivation I have developed being a teacher. The fact that I am constantly cleaning my classroom has prevented me from being able to tend to my apartment.
- I asked Mr. Bear if we could get a maid… he replied a big fat, “NO!”
How is your week going?!
Love this post and the fact that your “food selection,” is listed on your “HIGHS,” for the week! haha. Hope you feel better soon!
PS. My spouse also said NO to a maid! =(
It sounds like we have the same thing!! I’m taking DayQuil Mucus Control, and it’s been ok so far! I hope you feel better!!!
smores goldfish?! Why haven’t I heard of these yet??? I’m going out today to find them – yum!
I hope you get to feeling better soon! I hate runny noses – SO annoying! 🙁
Feel better, lady! The weekend is approaching 😉
Oh no!! You need to feel better… NOW! That is a freaking cold school. Why why why??
The weekend is just around the corner so you can rehab then right?
And don’t worry about the house. You are just getting into the swing of things – soon enough you will figure out how to balance it all!
At least there were some highs this week right!?
Here’s to a warmer day today!!
A 7-11 opened near my house too!! I think the first month they were open, I would stop in a buy a slurpee at least once a week!
And dont worry about the “sickness”. Everybody tells me the first year teaching, you will use up all your sick days! I guess your body just needs to get adjusted to all the germs and boogies.
Bless your bones! Sister, you need a big fat dose of Emergen-C – I swear by it. And the Mr. and I had the same conversation about getting a maid last night. All I ask is 1x/month to do the “major stuff” – is that so bad? Feel better!
New follower! Cute blog—love your highs and lows! I’m rooting for a maid too but my hubby also shot it done. Booooo!! Stop by sometime http://www.thestrobel3.blogspot.com
I miss you. You have to come see our place next time you are home! Hope you feel better and next week is better than this one!