Thank the heavens above it is Friday. I feel like this week has been dragging its sorry behind.
Anyone excited about the NBA Lockout? I am… I hate the NBA. Its a boring game and I hate that Mr. Bear watches the stupid playoffs that usually last 3 months. He isn’t too upset about the lockout though… he said he just cried himself to sleep last night.
…. Okay, he really didn’t. He’d punch me in the butt if he saw I said such a lie.
Tonight we are taking a midnight train to CONNECTICUT. yeacommon. Not Georgia my friends… CT … We actually checked into a midnight train to the peach state for Thanksgiving, but they don’t exist. Someone should have let Gladys Knight know that before she wrote that song and got people all excited.
We are going to CT for 36 hours to celebrate Sam and John’s Engagment! My Aunt is throwing quite the sha-bang at a golf course – complete with DJ, bar, and lots of buffet food. Which is my kind of party….unlimited food and drinks and dancing? I’m there!
I am so happy that we have another in-service day – which means no devil children. HOORAY! I am going to gets all my planning done so I can enjoy myself on Sunday on the train ride home. I downloaded “Monte Carlo” and “Green Lantern.” I also plan on downloading some tv shows to watch that I missed this week… why aren’t we able to transfer DVR shows to our computers? That would be somethin…
Sounds like a fun family filled weekend!! I want to see Monte Carlo too, let me know how it is!!
Have a fun weekend!! 🙂