Moms have to talk about their feelings, especially during the postpartum period. These are my honest one month postpartum confessions.
How does this week feel like it’s been SO long even though Monday was a holiday? Oh yah, Tuesday was a rough day and last night was a tough too. I woke up at 4:30 this morning with the birds and could not fall back to sleep. While the house slept, I watched Gilmore Girls and fantasized about living in a tiny town without traffic and lots of fun community events.
These are my One Month Postpartum Confessions
I confess… I am addicted to Gilmore Girls on Netflix. I vaguely remember what happened on the show and thought I would rewatch before November. So far, I keep having flashbacks of my feelings when I first watched in high school/college. Season 3 = Team Jess!
I confess… postpartum hormones got me like WOAH. If I’m not crying over a GG episode, then I’m crying because I can’t remember Annabelle’s first word.
I confess… I can’t remember Annabelle’s first word. And I can’t find where I wrote it down. And its REALLY bothering me and since my PP hormones are wacky, I may or may not have shed a few tears about this.
I confess I don’t want to give up cheese, but I fear it is in my future. Poor Ailey has reflux – I have a feeling its a dairy allergy, but the doctor disagrees and says I should continue eating cheese (my only form of dairy). We shall see if this Zantac works…although I swear this rash that’s suddenly appeared is not part of said reflux.
Our day hasn’t been that bad, except for when I got lost this morning on the way to my friend’s house. Annabelle asks more questions than a news reporter and it’s quite distracting/stressful when you’re trying to listen to GPS, so I missed an important turn.
She thought it was quite the little adventure when Mommy didn’t know where she was, but I, on the other hand, was not happy. Thankfully, I figured out where we were and Ailey didn’t wake up screaming, and we ended up making it to the park to play.
Sounds like real world struggles, huh?
When you’re running on 4 hours of sleep, everything seems worse than it really is – so humor me. =0) The kids finally fell asleep so I shall now try to squeeze in some Rory and Lorelai time.
UPDATE: Neither one of the girls will sleep… I take it back about today not being such a bad day. #sendwine
Want a laugh? Check out these 5 Controversial Things I Do as a Parent.
You said kids. KIDS.
You’re totally a grownup.
Lol! Love this. Zantac worked wonders for both of my sons. Here’s to hoping it’s something that easy! And, lovvvvve GG!!!
Hope the Zantac takes care of everything and that you don’t have to go without cheese. Isn’t it funny how you start to question your doctor more with baby #2. I rarely did it with my first and now I’m always thinking of getting 2nd opinions on things. It also feels good to not be a newbie at this parenting thing. Sending you sleepy vibes and love that you’re revisiting Gilmore Girls. I was team Dean the first time through, then ended up on team Logan. Maybe I should watch it again and cheer for Jess 🙂
the no sleep thing – it’s so awful, but thankfully only short season in life…….so I’m told!