Well Friday took long enough to get here, didn’t she? As promised, it’s Friday so here is what I’m loving this week.
one. a floppy winter hat.
I’m always a fan of a floppy hat, especially one made of wool that I can wear in the winter. Thank you Scala for this gorgeous black wool hat that I plan on wearing until it’s too hot for my head.
two. home wish list.
There is absolutely no reason for me to go shopping, but I can’t help make a pretend wish list for items to put in my future home. FYI – we are still house hunting (*insert big sigh here*).
three. birthday celebrations
On Wednesday we celebrated my Mom’s 66th birthday and I hope it was her favorite so far. Granted she had to work, we were able to grab a bite to eat for lunch and
four. making time for the girls.
Sometimes I hate myself for how consumed I become with my blog, social media accounts, and stupid phone in general. Annabelle has been begging for attention in the wrong ways lately and I know I’m partially to blame. I want to be successful as a blogger so that I can contribute to my family, but it takes SO much time and work. Solution to the problem: cut out moments during the day where I give her 100%. I started this morning staying in bed with her while she snuggled me, even though Ailey was still asleep and I knew I could blog uninterrupted.
five. joggers at Costco and sneakers on Amazon.
If you’re a member at Costco and need some new joggers, RUN and don’t walk to your nearest store. These Champion joggers are a whopping $12.99 and so comfortable. I may or may not have bought a pair in every color (black, gray, and blue). I found a similar pair here for under $20! I am in need of new sneakers and picked up these Adidas NEO Superflex Running Shoes on Amazon for a steal (under $40!). I bought the last pair and they were out of stock, but now back and a bit more expensive. I found a cheaper pair and then another color. The tongue of the shoe bothers my foot but I’m thinking once I break them in they’ll be better.
six. t.v. time.
Lately I’ve tried to turn off my brain and lose my mind in the television at night instead of working until the wee hours. My favorite shows to watch are always on Netflix and Amazon Prime because *no commercials* and I can lay in bed. Here is what I’ve been watching this week – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (SO stinking funny), 1 Mile to You (a little sad, but great YA movie), and Fuller House (the girls even like it). I still have my primetime favs – Grey’s and This is Us – but I’m so far behind on the episodes that I need a day to catch up!
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