Our Christmas Card (seriously)
Yup. Here it is. My recap on my Christmas Vacation in pictures. I know you are all so excited you peed a little. Enjoy!
Love this tree
Santa Muffin
Check out my spread!
Love my decorating skills?
My favorite Santa girl
Santa came to our house!
New ornament
My MIL and Mawmaw
The Rs at dinner in Cookeville
Church clothes
Christmas with the Hs
Opening presents
Christmas Eve with my MIL
Merry Christmas Eve!
Too much wine means bows in the hair and kidnapping fat kitties
Muffin’s First Snow
My cousin’s 30th Surprise Party
Me and my cousin Cassie. She has twins AND a kindergartner. She is amazing.
Sister Sister
This is how we roll
My cousins are more like my best friends and sisters
SNOW IN CONNECTICUT! Happiest day ever
Santa came to my parents house for B and Me
2lbs of Lobster? Yes Please.
There are so many things I love about this picture. The most: my and my sisters snuggling on the rug.
Redneck Cooler on NYE
The Ladies… Sisters and Cousins
Time to get comfy with the host
Me and my best friend Cash… later I stole his bed
Group Shot
Before I went to sleep…after the ball dropped…first picture of 2013
Snuggling Sisters on the first day of 2013
HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY PHOTO DUMP….*insert crude joke here*
Raquel says
Looks like you had a wonderful holiday break!
Catalyn H says
Thanks Raquel! I did!
LWLH says
Haha, the redneck cooler is the best!! 🙂