If you follow me, you know that I don’t really have the kind of baby bump that I was hoping I’d have now halfway through my pregnancy. A round, cute, rub-able (look for my 20 week pic tomorrow) baby bump sounds cute! My bump is teeny tiny and sometimes non-existent. I wonder, “Is this normal!? Is the baby growing in my boobs?”
So what do I do when I start to freak, I google a picture of “X week baby bump.” Every week since I found out I was pregnant, I have looked online to find someone who was in the same week as me in hopes that they’d look just like me. However, I haven’t had much luck. I guess all baby bumps are unique.
My best friend is also pregnant – she is a month behind me and she says that baby bumps are one of the topics she Googles weekly! She is always looking to see what she should look like. Pregnant Mamas – How many of you do this too?
I want to put together a post of all our different size baby bumps so Moms can see – all baby bumps are different! If you are interested, send me an email!
I had a very small baby bump until I was about 7 months pregnant, I could lay down flat on my back and you couldn’t even tell I was preggers. The girls in my office couldn’t believe it. I never did get really big, from the back I never looked preggers unless you saw me waddling some place.
I finally popped at about 20 weeks.
i started “popping” at 20-ish weeks, but people still couldn’t tell for a long time. once i did start expanding, i looked like i was carrying a basketball under my shirt! people would be startled when i turned around because i didn’t look preggo from behind but BAM! here’s my bump!
I feel like I popped really early at about 13 weeks but my best friend didn’t pop till her 5th month. We are all so different. I think your bump is adorable.
Your right, everyone is different! All of our bumps are unique and vary!! I would love to be part of your bump post!
I would love to be a part of your bump post! Let me know what week/weeks you would like me to do! I am 37 weeks this week:)
No worries. Your baby is growing even though you aren’t so much. You will grow; however, everyone is different and you may or may not grow as much as someone else. Also, you look sorta tall…so, you may not fill out as much as someone that is shorter. The closer you get towards the end of your pregnancy, the more you will gain. I promise. Wait and see. You’ll look back at this and laugh.
I would love to share my bump pictures. Of course I had twins…so I got gi-nor-mous!!! lol I did take weekly pictures and oh how I grew. The crazy thing is…how much your belly can stretch and then goes back. Now, I’m not saying I went back to the same exact size I was. That’ll probably never happen. lol You will see how your belly will go back. Maybe not exactly but close…{with a muffin top. haha} It’s worth it though. 😉 I think you look great!!!
Keep up the good work and grow baby grow!!!! 🙂
P.S. Comment on our blog and let me know how you want me to send my bump pictures and exactly what you are wanting.
Have a great day!!!
lol love this “Is my baby growing in my boobs”, I think this all the time!
This is SUCH a cute and UNIQUE idea! love it!
You have SO many other things to worry about being a new mom, do not worry about the size of your bump. I do love the “is this baby growing in my boobs” though 🙂 Off to e-mail you some pictures 😀
I’m 27 weeks and I can totally relate…still! Even though I’m noticeably showing, at least to me I look like I am, I still feel like people don’t realize I’m pregnant. I hit the 7th month mark a few days ago and I’m really starting to pop. Give it sometime, especially since your tiny like I was before getting pregnant. I’m actually still really small, just with a belly, but nonetheless it takes us smaller girls a little more time to show oftentimes. Also the fact that this is your first baby and your body has never been stretched like this before plays a role.
P.S: I thought my booty and belly were in competition for the longest, because that seemed to be where all my weight went. My belly is clearly winning out now…thank goodness!
New Mama Diaries
I love it! I didn’t start showing until 6 months and I looked tiny when I was full term… Everyone is different! It’s so fun seeing everyone else’s bumps!
20 weeks is when I started to show! I was always anxious I was too big after that 😉
I didn’t take many pictures of my baby bump, but I didn’t show until I was about 2/3 of the way through my pregnancy.
I’m only 8 weeks, but I do the same thing when it comes to Googling. This is my first one, and I’m a good 6 inches taller than my mom and sister, so I have nothing to compare myself to! My coworker told me that she didn’t start showing until 6 months with her first one. So, for now I guess I’ll just embrace the bloat and keep feeling self-conscious in my bathing suit!
All bumps certainly are different… even pregnancy to pregnancy for the same person. I am carrying and showing completely different. Not to mention the fact you pop so much earlier (11 weeks vs. 20 weeks for me) thanks to the fact the first pregnancy tears all your muscles and they never reknit quite as well.
The creeper who just posted is Shannon Hughes. Not sure why it comes up as unknown.
I just finally started catching up on my blogs and found this post. I was a little chunky when I got pregnant, so I started showing pretty early. But I had a friend that was pregnant at the same time, and she barely showed at all. People were always commenting on how tiny she was, and it really irritated her. Think of it this way, less money spent on maternity clothes and stretch mark cream! Haha. It really depends on where the egg attaches to the uterus. Your little one might be hanging out in the back, while mine was up front. Just remember, all that matters is your health and the baby’s health!!