Our third daughter, Arbor, is seven months old. Today I’m sharing her seven month old stats with 32 week old traits, likes and dislikes, and more!
Arbor’s Seven Month Old Stats
Weight – Probably 19lbs (18.4lbs on 6/8/22)
Height – Maybe 27 1/2 inches (27 inches on 6/8/22)
Arbor is wearing 9-12 month clothing and size 3 diapers.
See how Arbor’s size compares to Ailey seven months old and Annabelle seven months old.
Sleep: I’m oh so thankful for Meg at A Restful Night as she helped me reset Arbor’s sleep cycle! I knew I was falling into old habits when I would nurse her every time she woke up at night… but Meg reminded me she doesn’t need to eat that frequently! We are only having 1-2 wake ups at night and the first (10pm) she puts herself back to sleep. The second is around 3am – which is when I sometimes nurse her or other times just console her while she fusses.
Napping is MUCH easier for Arbor. She loves to go down for a nap and almost always wakes up happy (unless she has pooped)! HOWEVER, we have quickly learned she is a creature of habit and does NOT like deviating from her sleeping routine. Arbor NEEDS a nap and bedtime routine to get a great sleep. A darkish room + the loud sound machine + her sleep sack + a quick “You Are My Sunshine” = ideal sleep environment.
Arbor is on the MOVE and does not want to be stopped. She likes to explore every nook and cranny in the house – especially any new space she discovers, like under her crib. We haven’t put up baby gates yet because she still moves a little slowly army crawling on her belly. While on vacation we used the Guava Lotus Travel Crib to keep her contained, but at home we need something bigger!
More 25-28 Week Old Traits
Arbor is so vocal from the moment she wakes up until sometimes right before she falls asleep. Her favorite thing to do is DANCE (and sometimes sing) to some of her favorite songs: “Barbara Ann” by the Beach Boys and “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.” She really loves all music though and enjoys watching her sisters (and parents) dance around.
Separation Anxiety is very much present in Arbor’s life. She seems to be okay with some strangers, but freaks out with others (and even some people she knows). I recall this phase when Annabelle was around five months old and know it too shall pass. It’s really only problematic when we need help with Arbor in a group and she won’t go to anyone but her Mom and Dad.
Eating at 7 Months Old
On Arbor’s 7 month birthday she moved up a level in the eating world to puffs and teething biscuits. Around 7 1/2 months, we learned she could eat an entire pureed food pouch of food and want MORE food. With the help of my sister (who has a 1 1/2 year old with food allergies) I began introducing actual solids. Scrambled eggs, corn on the cob, cucumbers – Arbor loves every bite of food she is given. The only issue we have had when it comes to food is OATS – they don’t sit well in her belly.
Here are some of Arbor’s favorite foods at seven months old: sweet potato puffs, purple teething biscuits, watermelon, bananas, Cheerios, every flavor pouch, corn on the cob, cherry tomatoes.
My favorite website for researching the proper way to give a baby solid foods is Solid Starts! Other must haves for feeding baby: Lalo The Chair (so easy to clean) and Lalo First Bites Kit (on sale!). I bought a mesh feeder to use for fruits but quickly remembered how I do not like cleaning them… especially when used with bananas!
Old habits are the worst! I’ve done the same thing. With my second I started rocking her cause it is just so natural thing to do! Even though I still remember needing help to stop rocking Molly two years back. I was using HWL sleep training (this one: https://www.parental-love.com/shop/baby-sleep-training ) back then so I figured I should do it again! Month 4 – we’re coming!
Thank you Dona for sharing the link! I bought this ebook and my life has changed. It is a pity that so few parents undertake to teach their children to sleep. Everyone thinks it has to be like this, that it’s natural and those first years are so difficult for them. It turns out that it doesn’t have to be this way. I am the best proof of this. Thank you again