Check out a Year in Review! A lot has changed since Brandon and I were married in 2009. This is everything that’s happened!
Our lives started as a real family together when we got married in Florida.
Then we went to Maui, came home to work for awhile thinking life would just be calm, and things really started picking up.
I got an interview.
We spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Bear’s family in TN and GA.
Mr. Bear gets a promotion….in Maryland.
I quit my first big girl job.
We pick out a new place to live over the internet.
We spent our first Christmas together.
We took professional photos with Mr. Bear’s family.
We packed up our apartment on NYE.
We said goodbye to Atlanta and hello to Maryland.
I got hired for a nanny job over the phone on the drive from ATL to MD.
We got snowed in for a week and a half (serious Blizzard).
Mr. Bear finally enjoys his job.
I realized I hate being a nanny.
We moved down the hallway to escape the elephant neighbors living above us.
I get accepted into the teaching program.
I made Maryland style crab cakes for our 6 month anniversary.
I started writing for The Hungry Southerner.
Mr. Bear traveled to California for work for 3 weeks.
I visited Mr. Bear in San Francisco.
We visited Napa Valley w/ our East Coast friends.
I finished my stint as a nanny!
We visited Camden Yards and saw the Red Sox!
We went to The Preakness.
Mr. Bear turned 26.
Mr. Bear’s family visited from TN.
My family visited from CT.
We went to ATL for Memorial Day Weekend.
We went to the Jersey Shore w/ our MD friends.
I survived a 6 week intensive teaching training program (that kept me from hanging out with my husband).
I made new girlfriends and attend one of many teacher happy hours.
I got hired to teach first grade in the fall.
I taught my first class (2nd grade math).
I finished my program as a CERTIFIED RESIDENT TEACHER.
We went to Cape Cod w/ my family.
I started my dream job: teaching First Grade.
We went to St. George Island for Labor Day w/ Mr. Bear’s fam.
I turned 25.
I had the best birthday celebration ever.
We babysat my nephews overnight (best birth control ever).
I could go on and on… but I need to go to bed… and charge my laptop… and rest up for our ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND CELEBRATION!!! Details to come…
What a great year! Have a wonderful anniversary weekend!
Happy Anniversary date twin! Thats a lot to go though in a year too!
So much happened in the last year for you! But a lot of the events seem like good things 🙂 Hope you have a great anniversary weekend!
It has been well over a year that I have been following your blog – can that go on the list? When I think of it that way, it’s crazy!
I hope you have an AMAZING anniversary weekend. You two deserve a great time together, to unwind and just enjoy each other. Hope you’re feeling better about it all 🙂
Happy Anniversary weekend!! Have fun!
ok seeeeeee? Your feelings the other day make so much sense – LOOK AT THAT LIST! It’s awesome!!! Ya’ll have done so much in 1 year of marriage – I hope that my first year is as exciting and positive as yours 😉
Can’t wait to hear about the weekend festivities but in the meantime, enjoy your time with Mr. Bear! You both deserve an amazing weekend!
Happy Anniversary!!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
What an amazing first year of marriage. And SO much fun to go back through and relive the memories…good and bad. 😉
I laughed so hard at your “best birth control ever” comment!!!
Sounds like a fabulous year, congrats!