What a difference a week makes! I can’t believe how much has changed since my last bump update.
How far along are you? 17 weeks
How I’m feeling: I’m still having trouble getting up in the morning. I also need a midday nap and at night I can’t fall asleep until after 10! Headaches are daily and I am still having a little cramping. My hormones are going crazy and I am happy, sad, angry, annoyed – all the time. It is so frustrating!
Total weight gain: Last time I checked I gained six pounds. I have a feeling I’ve gained more weight during this part of my pregnancy based on how my clothes fit.
Cool baby facts: Baby’s rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone, he/she is growing some meat on his/her tiny bones, and growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord.
How big is baby? Baby H is now about the size of a large onion – or a turnip according to the What To Expect app.
Pregnancy Sleep
I’m still having trouble getting up in the morning. I also need a midday nap and at night I can’t fall asleep until after 10!
Maternity Clothes: Bought my first pair of maternity pants this week! They are white and from Maternity Time in the Mall of Georgia. I am actually headed back there this afternoon to get some more bottoms – nothing fits anymore.
Best moment this week: Our gender scan… we know the gender of Baby H! Seeing the baby move around on the screen was absolutely amazing.
Movement: Baby H did a little somersault last night while I was waiting on the couch for my in-laws to arrive with dinner. I think he/she was saying, “I’m hungry!”
Food cravings: At the beginning of the week it was Birthday Celebration frozen yogurt topped with lots and lots of candy. Now it is a bagel from Panera, but that could be because I am sitting here staring at a rack of them.
Food aversions: None this week.
Belly button in or out: Still the same ole innie.
What I miss: Pants that fit
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling the baby move around more!
Randoms: I woke up Tuesday morning and subconsciously rubbed my belly… it felt more pronounced, so I ran to the mirror and saw that there was a bump! I can also feel my uterus now, right below my belly button. It is hard and it’s kind of creepy knowing that its there.
Everyday Adventures says
What a cute bump you have:) I am thinking you are having a girl:)
Enjoy the 2nd trimester and all the energy you have! I have about 5 weeks till my due date and miss that energy!!
Have a great weekend!!
Deanna says
I think it’s a boy. 🙂
Erin says
You are so tiny and cute…I’m going to say it’s a boy…I’m due in 8 weeks and that’s what we’re having…and most of my cravings were sweet! 🙂
Kenya says
I say girl! You look adorable.
Kristina says
Mrs. C. says
hmmm… I’m gonna say boy! You are starting to get a little bump!! So exciting:)
Taylor LeMay says
hmm…I think a girl 🙂
Megalin says
Hmmm…based on old wives tales of how belly looks I’ll say a boy
Bonnie Rose says
I’m saying a girl!
Corinne says
hmm…I’m going to guess…boy!
Patricia says
I’m voting for a girl!
yay! you got your bump!!! 🙂 you look adorable! i really, really, really want you to have a girl but i can’t vote against the chinese gender chart – so i’m guessing boy!
Amy Addison says
I say a girl!
Kelly {Sparkles and Shoes} says
So exciting! I think it will be a boy!
Sparkles and Shoes
Emily Fette says
So excited for you! Congrats on the cute baby bump and finding out the gender!
Charity says
boy!! Can’t wait to find out for real though.
Sam says
I think it’s going to be a girl! Your baby bump is adorable 🙂
Hilary says
I think it’s a girl!!! 🙂
Jordan Hansen says
I’m guessing boy, because of the heart rate! My sister has had two boys, and they both had much lower heart rates, but when my best friend was pregnant with her girl, the heart rate was always up in the 170’s. Ahhh, so exciting! 🙂
Samantha Lynne says
you have the cutest little bump 🙂
congrats on the baby.
I’ve got a cousin who’s having baby #2. and a friend who may be pregnant for the 1st time since her first pregnancy she lost like 2 yrs ago or so. Good luck with everything.
Lady Luck says
i am TEAM PINK! 🙂
Heather says
I’m going with girl. Oh and all that cramping is so stressful isn’t it? Major construction going on in there! The human body is so fascinating, isnt it? Congrats on your pregnancy.