How far along: 14 weeks 4 days today
Gender: We might reveal the gender next week!
Total weight gain: Maybe 2 lbs? I am definitely filling out around my midsection so I know I have had to gained a little.
Clothes: It’s always a sad day when you organize the bottoms in your closet into two piles: ones that fit and don’t even try it.
Sleep: I would suddenly develop a nagging cough that keeps me up all night. Right now I am on the hunt for a new pregnancy pillow to help with my lower back aches.
Cravings/Aversions: MEAT PIE! I had been thinking about Shepherd’s Pie for around 4 days until I finally decided to make it. Brandon was excited because it’s not something I’ve ever cooked before, but growing up it was one of my favorite meals. I can’t wait to eat the leftovers. FRUITS – just like with Annabelle, the fresh fruit cravings have begun. Thank goodness because my addition to the latter is bad. SWEETS – pancakes, waffles, coffee with lots of soy creamer, Sour Patch Kids, cereal – give it all to me. I am impatiently awaiting Ben and Jerry’s to release their dairy free ice cream here in GA. I’m still anti-seafood. When we went out for Mexican on Friday the sight of the shrimp tacos in the menu made my mouth water in a bad way.
Symptoms: Pains: Oh hey varicose vein near my lady parts! I missed you! Thanks to you, I have achy pains and swollen places if I am on my feet for too long. Appetite: I just want to eat everything in sight. All day long. I went grocery shopping and meal prepped all day Sunday so I wouldn’t end up at Taco Bell this week. Hormones: I have a lymph node in my right armpit that always gets swollen when I’m going to have my period… and lucky me, when I’m pregnant, its always big and huge. Lower back: Still on the heating pad every evening! I’ve even started bringing it to school with me…by the afternoon my back hurts from walking to and from the bathroom. Acne: Make it go away already! My skin looks horrible around my hair line, on my neck, back, and chest. I’ve been wiping my skin down with Witch Hazel and applying Frankincense/Tea Tree afterwards.
ENERGY: Hello second trimester energy boost! Thank you for showing up! Saturday we took Annabelle to the aquarium and brunch in the city. By the time we got home at 2 I was dead – but before second trimester I would’ve have even made it that long!
Exercise: I went to another Flywheel class last week before school and it felt AMAZING! However, Friday I was absolutely dead with no energy. I reserved a spot for a Sunday class but my cough kept me home. Instead I made it a point to be completely active all day Sunday. Activity is exercise right? I make a point to stretch in the evenings and do a couple of exercises with my own body weight. I swear I already notice my muscles waking up and looking like they used to.
Mood: Who cued the tears? Every little commercial and song has got me weeping like a big baby.
Miss anything? Does going to the bathroom alone count? Annabelle learned how to open the doors in our house… Other than that, I’m still a happy pregnant gal not missing anything unpregnant gals can enjoy.
Best moment this week: Is it weird that I love watching my body change? First time around I really didn’t like how my midsection filled out and that my pants didn’t fit right. But this time… I am embracing it! (Check on me in a few months and I’m sure I’ll be singing a different tune).
Looking forward to: Revealing the baby’s gender to our families. Brandon’s Mom is coming to visit this weekend and I might have a little surprise for her!
Nothing like a bathroom selfie at work #BabyH2.O
ICYMI: 14 Weeks pregnant with Annabelle
Jaimee says
I loooved pregnancy! I get sad seeing maternity clothes, knowing I’ll never wear them again! I’m guessing another girl for you!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
I have LOVED watching my body change the second time around! Everything happened so much quicker with this guy, but I’m loving it. I’m 34 weeks and obsessed with my belly. I am going to be so sad once he’s out (though, very obviously, very excited because BABY!) Can’t wait to see what you’re having!
Cara says
Found your blog in the mommy moments link-up. You look so cute pregnant! Congratulations π
Kimberly says
OMG! I have been out of the blog world for too long! Congrats on your new little one!!
Kayla H says
Have you tried a V2 supporter? Life changing for me when lovely mentioned veins apoear. Good luck!!!
Debbie W. says
Loved this Caitlyn and congratulations. Praying my daughter and daughter-in-law will look like you in a few months. P.S. You are so, so tiny.
Elizabeth says
Happened upon your blog today. Congratulations on your pregnancy! You look great! We just welcomed our first little one last week and I really loved watching my belly grow and change the last nine months to get ready for her arrival.
Edye says
Love reading these updates! You look great. I’m excited to see future updates π
Edye // Gracefulcoffee