This week has already been nuts for me.
I wish I could fast forward to 7pm Friday night when I will be at a concert with Mr. Bear.
My bologna post was done during class and I definitely didn’t lay down and rub my belly happily after writing it. I got back to work and actually just got home to start some more work. I think I will be doing homework and projects and planning til atleast midnight tonight. If it’s any earlier, Yippee for me!
While taking a little breather, I checked out one of my fav websites: The Skinny Website. I like to look at this website to see what celebs are looking anny (anorexic) or chubby these days. I also like to look at it when I start craving candy or fattening foods to remind myself of what I could like look if I avoided those things.
Kate Hudson was on there today in the most awesome dress that screams, “MRS. BEAR.” I swear. Ask anyone who knows me personally… I would totally have this dress in my closet like a month ago. Well, that is, if I could a) find it in a store and b) afford it. I am sure it costs more than 3 months rent.
I think I need this dress on my body.
Sadly… I have no monies so I couldn’t even buy this dress if someone found it online for me. Wah wah wahhhhh.
um. i love that dress. it would look darling on you. and me about 6-9 months after i have baby boy fulmer. i hope.
hope your week slows down love!!!
That dress would look soooooo good on you! And I am very happy that you are able to put your feet up and take a break… I am currently doing that with a big ol’ glass of cold vino!! Yum!
Cute dress!!!