Ailey didn’t have a problem sleeping the first few months of her life. She loved to eat, sleep, play, and then sleep some more. But around four months old, the sleep regression hit hard, and weeks after it was supposed to have vanished, Ailey was still screaming every night. Nichole suggested the DockATot Deluxe, so I reached out to them with my dilemma. There are three reasons why you need a DockATot and you’ll thank me later.
If you asked me nine months ago if I had ever heard of a DockATot, I would tell you, “No” and then later hug you for introducing me to one of most amazing inventions for babies. Nichole, I owe you a hug.
I was a sleep deprived Mom at her wits end, willing and able to try anything. Boy am I glad I did because the DockATot truly worked wonders with our girl. I don’t know if its the fact that it promotes a cozy, safe, snug environment for Ailey to sleep in or that it was just a new spot aside from her crib to snooze, but we are huge fans. If you’re on the fence about buying one, maybe one of these reasons will sway you.
one. napping.
Ailey doesn’t just nap anywhere – she prefers her crib, the car seat, and now the DockATot. If she happens to fall asleep in my arms, I like being able to set her down next to me in the kitchen while I’m blogging or in the bathroom while I shower.
two. lounging.
Who doesn’t want to hang out in a comfy dock outside? Whenever we are playing in the backyard or even out on a picnic, we bring the DockATot for Ailey to sit in. It keeps her away from any ants trying to crawl up her legs or the grass she likes to pick to eat. She lounges in her DockAtot at home too in, watching her sister run circles around her. I think she feels safe, and pretty special since her big sister is always trying to lay on the comfy raised sides too.
three. co-sleeping.
We are huge fans of co-sleeping when we are traveling or the girls are sick – but it’s scary to put a baby between two adults. I’ve heard too many stories of a parent rolling over on their baby to fear the worst when I fall asleep. Thankfully the DockATot provides a barrier between us and Ailey.
You know how they say babies have a second sense when it comes to their Mommas? It’s so true… It’s hard to sneak a photo of Ailey sleeping beside me in her DockATot because if anyone gets close enough to us, she usually wakes up thinking she is about to be moved to her own crib. She loves sleeping as close to her Mommy (and Daddy) as possible.
DockATot Details
– Two sizes (Deluxe for 0-8 Months, Grand 9-36 months)
– Made in Europe, designed in Sweden.
– Breathable
– OEKO-TEX certified
– All natural, 100% cotton
– Handmade in Europe
– Perfect micro-climate for babies and tots
– Grand is perfect for toddler bed transitions
For now, we own the DockATot Deluxe. Ailey fits perfectly inside of the Deluxe, but we know she is growing quickly and it will be time to pass it on to her new baby cousin Sloane (due in August). We will transition her into the DockATot Grand, which is perfect for toddler bed transitions later down the road. We struggled with Annabelle’s transition to the toddler bed, so here’s to hoping we will avoid that process again.
If I’ve convinced you your little one needs a DockATot, for the month of May you can use my referral code for $10 off any size DockATot. Then pass on the love and tell your friends about it too!
I wish I knew about these when my 2 year old was having trouble sleeping! They look so awesome!
WOW! I wish we had this for Eric (now 13 months). He hates sleep. Still not a great napper, but luckily sleeps through the night (which took til he was about 9-10 months). I was not prepared for that. His big brother slept through at 3 months and hasn’t look back. The kid ASKS to go to sleep and nap, still to this day at . Weirdo! teehee