I am hoping that this little packet of tangerine goodness saves me from catching whatever gross cold Mr. H has contracted. He stayed home from work today because his sore throat, achy body, and stuffy nose is keeping him from getting out of bed. Oh and did I mention we are getting married in 4 days?!?!?!
I am hoping that this little packet of tangerine goodness saves me from catching whatever gross cold Mr. H has contracted. He stayed home from work today because his sore throat, achy body, and stuffy nose is keeping him from getting out of bed. Oh and did I mention we are getting married in 4 days?!?!?!
I am trying to ignore the fact that I am suddenly a little sleepy and there is a little scratchiness everytime I swallow. I know that if I start to think that I am sick the evil germs will win and take over! So… I must drink my orange elixer and pray for the best. Otherwise I might just end up at the doctors begging for a cortisone shot (and I do NOT like needles).
If you see these guys let them know they better stay FAR FAR away from me… because it only takes 2 seconds for me to turn into Bridezilla… don’t test me!
sarah says
Go to Whole Foods (or even a regular grocery store that has an organic section) and stock up on Odwalla C-Monsters. They are found in the chilled drink section (or sometimes where Pom tea is) and they have like 2000% of your needed vitamin C. Also, stock up on Airborne.
Stay healthy!
Miss Kriss says
Ohhh no, girlie!! Let’s hope that the Emergen-C works!! You absolutely cannot be sick on your big day!!
brown eyed girl says
Take the emergen-c and be sure to eat healthy and clean, get copious amounts of rest, and drink the OJ! Wishing you and the future Mr. have a speedy recovery and sending healthy wedding vibes!
It Is Everlasting says
I lived on Emergen-C before our wedding. Drink a TON of water, take vitamins, and get lots of sleep. You will be just fine and I swear, positive thinking does help ward off any icky beginning to feel sick feelings. Everything will be perfect, deep breaths!
Heather says
I so hope you get better asap. Being sick at your wedding would be awful!! I have been loading up on zycam and lots of sleep and I feel better today!!
4 days my dear….4 days…
Have an amazing last few days and a beautiful wedding!! Safe travels! You will be in my thoughts on Saturday for sure. I am sending ‘healthy germs’ your way and good weather from Hawaii!!
*L* @ Dreams Take Flight says
Oh noo! Hope you guys can fight whatever nastiness and feel better for the weekend!!
Confessions Of A Domestic Goddess says
Feel better!!!
Chocolate Lover says
Hope you both feel better soon! I have nothing more to offer than what the ladies have already said. Eat very healthy too! Lots of green things! And of course, think positive.
Caroline says
Drink hot tea with honey. I hope you feel better soon!
Kristin says
Zicam it up sister!
kristi says
hope you feel better!!!
short southern momma says
oh no! Why does stuff like that always seem to happen? Hope your both feeling better! Sending warm wishes your way! = )
the Mrs Hinz says
im sure everything will work out girlie! nothing will get you down on your wedding day!
Lyr says
I came across you blog and thought this was a great post! So cute! I hope you don’t mind if I start following! 🙂